Wednesday, May 4, 2022

Creating An Intentional & Joyful Habit of Regular Bible Reading

By: Jenifer Metzger

Study this Book of Instruction continually.
Meditate on it day and night so you will be
sure to obey everything written in it. Only
then will you prosper and succeed in all you do.
Joshua 1:8

The Bible is our Daily Bread.

The Bible is our life manual.

The Bible is God's love letter to us.

We've heard all the statements and we know it's important to read our Bible. Yet knowing and doing are two vastly different things. We have to take the knowledge and put it into action.

Creating An Intentional & Joyful Habit of Regular Bible Reading

How can we create an intentional and joyful habit of regular Bible reading?

Know your why. When we know why we should do something, it helps us to want to do it. Why read the Bible daily? Joshua 1:8 tells us to study the Bible continually, to meditate on it day and night. When we read the Bible we learn about God. The more we learn, the more our faith can grow, the more we know the heart and desires of God, the more we can discern what is from the Lord and what is not, and the more we can go to battle with the enemy.

Set your time. Decide what time of day works best for you. Personally, if I don't read my Bible first thing in the morning, I know I won't do it later. I get busy during the day and I am too tired at night. For you, it may be different. You may need to read while the kids nap, on your lunch break at work, or before bed. Figure out what works best for you and set your time. You can even put a daily alarm on your phone to remind you!

Make a plan. As with most things in life, we succeed when we make a plan. Decide what you are going to do. I find that using a Bible reading plan helps me stay on track. I like having my plan for the year printed and in my Bible so I can track my daily progress. After reading straight from the Bible, I like to use a Write the Word journal and read a devotional. While Write the Word journals and devotional are wonderful tools, the Bible itself is the most important part!

Consider a Quiet Time basket/bag. I have been using a Quiet Time basket for years, sometimes switching between a basket and bag. I find that having all of my supplies in one place helps so much. In my basket I have my daily Bible, a study Bible, a blank journal, my Write the Word journal, a devotional, and a bag of pens and highlighters. I can carry my basket to wherever I am having my Bible time that day.

Leave the Bible open. One of my favorite ways to meditate on the Bible is to leave my Bible open. Instead of putting your Bible away when you are done, leave it out and open. As you go about your day, go back and re-read a verse. By doing this, you can memorize Scripture and hide His Word in your  heart.

Seek accountability. Just like it's easier to go to the gym with someone, having an accountability partner for your Bible reading is helpful. You and your partner can discuss what you're each reading, you can ask questions, share prayer requests and praise reports, pray for one another, and encourage each other to stay in the Word. Woman to Woman has accountability groups on Facebook!

Give yourself grace. If you miss a day, if you fall behind on your plan, it's okay. Just pick back up. Don't give up, stay in the Word. It's not about how fast you read through the Bible, it's not about completing it on a certain day, it's about reading the Bible and growing in God.

Ask God for help. God wants you to read His Word. Pray and ask God to help you be intentional and joyful as you create a regular habit of reading and studying the Bible.

What other ways do you find helpful in creating an intentional and joyful habit of regular Bible reading? Share your thought and experiences in the comments!

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DaySpring New Year Resources

1 comment:

  1. Jenifer, these are wonderful suggestions. Thank you.


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