By: Jenifer Metzger
Have you ever wondered what your purpose was? We all have. We wonder why we are here. We wonder what purpose our life has and how will we come to fulfill that purpose. We go about our daily tasks and begin to feel like life is mundane instead of purposeful.Friend, take a deep breath. If you are breathing, you have purpose.
We all want that one big thing that is meant for our life. Are we to be a missionary and reach third world countries for Jesus? Are we to lead the worship in our church and help people usher the presence of God into the service? Are we to write a book that will change the lives of women all over the world? Are we to start a nonprofit that will save lives of those struggling? Are we to start a business that will set us up for life and give livelihood to others?
All those options are incredible. All are worthy. But what if our purpose for today is to show gentleness to someone who is hurting? To show kindness to a lonely neighbor? To share Jesus with a lost loved one? To pray fervently for your pastor? To show patience to your child? To serve your husband?
Always be humble and gentle.
Be patient with each other,
making allowance for each other’s
faults because of your love.
Ephesians 4:2
We are called, we have purpose, we have a mission. We are to always be humble, gentle, and patient. We are commissioned {Matthew 28:16-20} to go out and share the news of Jesus. Dreams, goals, looking ahead, those are all wonderful! But don't forget to live your calling, purpose, and mission for today.
What can you do to live your purpose today?

It's time for Share A Link Wednesday! Each Wednesday we invite you to leave a link to your latest blog post in the comments. We still desire to connect women of God with one another and encourage each other in Christ. So grab a cup of coffee or glass of sweet tea, sit back and visit a few blogs. Be encouraged and share your own stories.

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