By: Jenifer Metzger
Don’t copy the behavior and customs of this world, but
let God transform you into a new person by changing
the way you think. Then you will learn to know God’s
will for you, which is good and pleasing and perfect.
Romans 12:2
As Christians we are continually in a fight to protect life. We know that life is sacred, a gift from God. We stand up against murder in all forms, including abortion. When we hear of an abortion, our hearts ache at an innocent life lost before there was even a chance to breathe. This is a fight that we should always fight. A life created is a life given by God.
But when it comes to the Christian life, we stop fighting, we stop protecting.
We hear cursing on a TV show or movie, we know cursing is wrong but we give in for an hour or so of entertainment. When the offering plate passes by, we know the importance of paying our tithe but we let it pass by so that we have a few extra dollars in our pocket. We know how important it is to read our Bible and pray, but we choose to scroll through social media instead. We know how gossip can hurt and destroy others, yet we listen as loose lips rattle on instead of walking away.
We copy the behaviors and customs of this world instead of standing up against what is wrong. The Bible tells us to be transformed. This transformation is something we have to fight daily for, standing up and protecting our Christian life.
We can protect our Christian life by transforming our thinking, by avoiding the behaviors and customs of the world. and by living by the Word.
Is your Christian life worth fighting for? Is eternity with Jesus worth fighting for?

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Yes, this Christian life is worth fighting for yet I can see the ways of the world seeping into my life and causing me to transgress rather than transform. I am very aware of Christians in my life who are walking a path that I do not believe to be in the light of Christ. It/they affect me and my walk. But I can not allow that. I am seeking better ways.
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Oh yes, the world tries to seep in and stop our transformations. ♥ Thank you for stopping by and thank you for sharing your link!