Friday, July 3, 2020

A Prayer for Our Republic

By: Sarah Geringer 

This week, America celebrates another birthday. This year, Christians need to pray more than ever for our country. 

If you are able, please get down on your knees and pray this prayer with a heart of representation for our republic. May this prayer inspire you and strengthen your faith. 

Heavenly Father,

We praise you for the costly gift of freedom you have provided us Americans.

Too often, we have taken our freedoms for granted.

Today, we repent from our sin and thank you for blessing us with many freedoms.

We remember the men and women who have died in service to our country. Bless their families for the sacrifices they made. Help us honor their legacies.

Lord, we acknowledge there are many failures that have led us to this point of crisis in our republic.

As a nation, we have strayed far from you in our personal lives, homes, churches, workplaces and governments for decades.

Like the Israelites, we have chased many gods, the same way pagans chase after worthless idols. Gods of comfort, wealth, success, lust, and personal preferences, just to name a few.

We have believed the lies that Satan has told us and cast aside the holy precepts in your Word to pursue life for ourselves, rather than living to glorify you.

We justly deserve your present and eternal punishment, Father.

But because of Jesus' blood and righteousness, you have set us free. We praise you, Jesus, for giving us freedom that lasts!

We know you call us to be salt in our decaying culture, Lord. You want us Christians to be the light that shines in the darkness.

Through your empowerment, we can bring your Truth back into our republic.

Lead each of us to individually return to the spiritual disciplines of prayer, Bible study and meditation, worship, giving, and service, which have anchored your Church for centuries.

Empower us with your Holy Spirit to spread the Gospel in our homes, communities, states and country, one day at a time and one relationship at a time.

Help us to shine your light of life and encouragement online instead of joining the temporal, political, worldly fray.

Guide our thoughts, words and actions as we vote for our leaders. We pray for our leaders to make decisions that honor your name, and that your Truth will prevail no matter what.

We admit we have much to learn in this season of crisis. Give us open, humble and teachable spirits. 

Make us wise according to your wisdom, God--not in the false wisdom of the world. 

Help us to be your hands and feet, Jesus, as we interact with those who do not yet believe you.

O Lord of Heaven's Armies, we ask you to equip us with spiritual armor in the days ahead. We trust we are more than conquerors when we move forward in your power.

Holy Spirit, empower us as agents of a sweeping revival through our republic. May we sense an urgency in these days to share Gospel truths as never before.

We thank you in advance for the ways you will use us as citizens of heaven passing through this republic, in the remainder of this year and beyond.

We bless your name that one day, we will be able to look back on this year and see how you preserved your remnant, just as you have all throughout the centuries.

Thank you for the privilege of serving you in this republic for such a time as this.

In Jesus' Name,


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Have a wonderful weekend!

Blessings and God's peace to you,

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  1. What a powerful prayer! Praying this with you today, Sarah!

  2. I agree with you in prayer. Only with God's help will we become the nation He has called us to be.

    1. Glad to stand beside you, my sister Calvonia! God's peace to you.

  3. Amen and joining you in praying for our country!


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