Everyone should look not to his own interests,
but rather to the interests of others.
Philippians 2:4
The past six or so months have been very difficult for me. The loss of my grandfather, broken relationships, feeling like I don't belong or have a place, even being told I don't belong, it's been hard. I found myself slipping into a dark place. I let myself stay in this dark place, alone. Afraid of what others might think or say if they knew I was struggling. I put my happy mask on and went about life as normal on the outside.
One day I couldn't take it anymore. The pain too unbearable, the burden too heavy. I told my husband how I was feeling. We prayed, we talked, and we prayed some more. We made a 'plan of attack' to work through this. I still have some very hard, bad days, but I also have some brighter days. Through all of this, I have learned a few lessons. One I want to share with you today. It is straight from the Word of God: Carry one another's burdens.
Carry one another’s burdens;
in this way you will fulfill the law of Christ.
Galatians 6:2
When you think of someone, pray for them. I learned long ago that when someone randomly pops into my mind or if something reminds me of someone, that is God’s prompting to pray for them. If you are cooking dinner and a lady at your church comes to mind, that is God telling you to intercede on their behalf. If you are in a store and see something that reminds you of someone, that is God telling you to pray right that moment for them. You may not know why, and you may never find out, just pray. She needs you to pray.
When someone shares a prayer request with you, whether they call you, tell you at church, or you see it on social media, pray for them. Don’t just say, “Praying.” Actually pray. Pray right then and pray later on as you think of them. Put a sticky note where you'll see it or make a note in your phone. Pray and then check on them.
Ask people how they are doing. Not in a passing by, I am not really paying attention kind of way. But really look into their eyes and ask how they are. If you feel the prompting of the Spirit, pray for them. Be sincere, let them know you care.
Be available. I know we are all busy women. But don't let someone suffer alone because you are too busy, often too busy with things that really don't even matter. What if God has given you something to share with someone but you aren’t available so the person goes on suffering alone. Be available to them. Listen, share as God leads you, and pray with them. Let them know they are not alone.
We are all called by God to carry each other's burdens and look onto the interests of others. None of us were ever meant to do this life alone. We need to reach up and reach out and be the hands and feet of Jesus.
If you are the one struggling today, please comment, even if all you can put is a period, so that I can pray for you by name.

It's time for Share A Link Wednesday! Each Wednesday we invite you to leave a link to your latest blog post in the comments. We still desire to connect women of God with one another and encourage each other in Christ. So grab a cup of coffee or glass of sweet tea, sit back and visit a few blogs. Be encouraged and share your own stories.
I have an entire chapter in my book, The Heart That Heals, about bearing the burdens of others. It's important that we know how to do that. BTW... It’s my birthday month!!! But you get the gift! All month long, my book, The Heart That Heals: Healing Our Brokenness Through the Promises of God, will be discounted 33% over at Amazon —> amzn.to/2zkzutm
ReplyDeleteThat's really not what I came here for, but since you were writing about carrying each other's burdens I needed to share. :)
We have a great post over on the blog this week on Bible reading! https://www.instaencouragements.com/blog/the-one-thing-i-did-that-revitalized-my-bible-reading
And... there's a link-up to join now through Friday, 9am.
I'm sorry you've been going through such a rough time. It's good you told your husband and have a plan. We truly never know what another person is going through and need to extend care and kindness.
ReplyDeleteI wrote this week about how we know whether God is displeased with us: https://barbaraleeharper.com/2020/05/11/how-do-you-know-if-god-is-displeased-with-you/.
I'm so sorry you've been battling! Our family has been through it for a while now! The relationships are not broken, just frayed. They need mending and they will be. Forgiveness will be given and received. Love will prevail! God is with us always and forever. I love you!