Sunday, March 8, 2020

I Have Decided

Last week my husband had a birthday. I'm six months younger than him, but it it won't be long until I have another birthday as well. It's all too easy to get depressed and give in to a bad case of the dreaded doldrums if I let my thoughts go down the road of worry, anxiety, and fear about aging and what the future holds. So, I've decided not to go there and instead to head a different direction.  Won't you join me?

I have decided not to doubt God's care~
As I look back over my life, God's very evident care, protection and provision is clearly seen.  Why would He, my good and perfect Heavenly Father, leave me now just because I'm getting older? Ridiculous, right? So, when worry, anxiety and fear come knocking, they are going to find a DO NOT DISTURB notice on the door to my mind and heart. I might even include this scripture verse. 
" who have been borne by Me from your birth, carried from the womb: Even to your old age I am He, and even to hair white with age will I carry you. I have made, and I will bear; yes, I will carry and will save you."  Isaiah 46:3-4 Amplified Bible

I have decided to depend on God~
Once a year my husband and our church administrator have to meet with our insurance agent to decide if we are going to stay with or change our current health insurance plan.  Every year it goes up, up, up. In this age of so-called "affordable health care", if this doesn't make it clear that our dependence cannot be on our government to take care of us in our old age, I don't know what does. My dependence can't be on money in the bank, Social Security, retirement plans, or other people. God is the one Who gives me life and breath and He is the Only One Who I can depend on. My husband and I have always tried to put God and His kingdom first. We've been diligent to invest in things that "moth and rust cannot destroy". Now, we are facing the future with our hands holding firmly to God's hand.

I have decided to be delighted~
I'm a firm believer that you are in charge of your emotions. They aren't the boss of you. So instead of being filled with dread about aging, I've decided to be delighted about it!  Why can't the rest of my life be the best of my life?  Isn't the God I serve the God who said that the latter things can be better than the former? 

I have decided to be disciplined~
Unfortunately, I'm not going to grow older and still be healthy and vibrant without some work on my part. Every day I have to make a choice to be disciplined, to take good care of the body God has given me, to be the best and healthiest me I can be for the age that I am. I try to take a brisk hour long walk at least five days a week. And of course, there is an attempt on my part, (most of the time), to eat healthy and drink lots of water. 

I have decided to not fear death~
I've actually thought a time or two about how many years I might have left here on planet earth. It's a bit sobering. Yet, I made a decision long, long ago that helps me to not fear death. As a little girl I gave my life to Jesus Christ and received Him as my Lord and Savior. Because of this, I have every confidence that I have received His gift of eternal life.  When God says it is my appointed time to die, I will be going to the home my heart has always longed for. Just as my heart breathes a sigh when I finally arrive back home after a long trip away and I finally get to sleep in my own bed, so will it be when I reach my forever home with Christ. My heart will know that this is where I have always belonged. And so, I have nothing to fear or dread.

 I have decided to pursue my destiny and purpose~
But, for now, I'm still in the land of the living, and God's Word has something to say about that!
For God’s gifts and His call are irrevocable. [He never withdraws them when once they are given, and He does not change His mind about those to whom He gives His grace or to whom He sends His call.] Romans 11:29 Amplified Bible
So I guess God doesn't take back His destiny and purpose for me just because I'm getting older. In fact, it doesn't appear to me that I can retire from doing what He created me to do. I believe that as long as I have life and breath I have a God-given purpose for being here and I should be seeking Him and asking Him to show me what that is and how I am to walk it out in my everyday life.  

How about you? How have you decided to face your future?

1 comment:

  1. There is much wisdom in this post for us all as we grow older. As we face these days ahead, my prayer is for us to remain dependent on Him, for He alone is forever faithful. He who has taken care of us in the past, will do so in the days we yet face. Have a blessed Sunday!


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