Monday, July 15, 2019

Standing Alone

By: Joanne Viola

"They will fight you, but they will fail.
For I am with you and I will take care of you.
I, the Lord, have spoken!
(Jeremiah 1:19, NLT)

Over the course of our days, we will encounter spiritual battles but we can experience victory because:
  1. God is with us.
  2. God will take care of us.
  3. God has spoken.
 My Bible commentary shares that Jeremiah was one of the most unpopular prophets in Jewish history. His ministry, by human standards, was considered a failure. It goes on to say:
“Standing alone is not easy – to resist the crowd and to be out of step with the philosophies and values of the times. But Jeremiah lived that kind of a life for over 40 years.” (Wiersbe Study Bible)
Jeremiah was able to live that kind of life because he was confident in the One who would be with him and fight for him. We have this same assurance today.

The question before us is – Will we choose to live that kind of life? Will we hold firm to what we know is truth?

Lord, help us to remember you will be with us in every battle. Give us an iron will to stand alone, to resist the popular opinions even when we feel so out of step. And help us to do this over the long haul, for all of our days, and not grow weary in so doing. In Your Name we pray, Amen.

May we remember:
We never stand alone,
for the Lord stands with us.




1 comment:

  1. I love this assurance that we can know we have the victory. Now if I'll just remember to live it out! Thanks, Joanne.


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