Wednesday, July 10, 2019

8 Ways to Take Care of You

By: Jenifer Metzger

As women, it is in our nature to care for others. We look out for those we love. We take care of our homes, our husbands, our children, our parents, our jobs, our ministries, and the list goes on. One thing we often don't find on our list is our self. We spend money and time on our children's needs, we run ourselves ragged to care for aging parents, but we don't even stop to think about taking care of our self. If we do, we feel guilty.

When you go on a airplane one of the first things the flight attendants do is give detailed instructions in the event of an emergency. They show you were the oxygen masks are and how to use them. They also inform you that if you are traveling with small children to first put the oxygen mask on yourself. Our natural instinct would be to give our child oxygen first. But there is a very good reason they tell you to mask yourself first. If you are not properly taken care of, you cannot take care of another. So, you put your mask on then your child's.

The same principle applies to every day life. If you are not properly taken care of, you cannot take care of another. We know that once the milk jug is empty we will not get any more milk. When we are empty, we cannot give out. We must take care of our self.

Don’t you know that you yourselves are God’s
temple and that God’s Spirit dwells in your midst?
1 Corinthians 3:16

Here are a few ideas for taking care of you.

Go to bed on time. Set a bedtime and strive to be in bed by that time each night. Your body was created to need rest. When we are tired we cannot function to our full potential. Go to bed and get sleep.

Eat food that is good for you. I am by no means a dietitian, I love me some chocolate. I won't tell you to avoid the foods you love. I will, however, tell you to be sure you are eating the foods that are good for you. We know our bodies need water and vegetables and fruits. Make sure you are giving your body the nutrients it needs.

Go for a walk. Giving our bodies a change to move is important. Giving our minds a chance to enjoy God's creation is important. Take a walk. If you can, make it an every day thing. Even just five minutes to walk outside every day is going to make a big impact.

Do something you love. What is a hobby you love but haven't done in awhile or a hobby you'd like to pick up? Do it! Maybe it's sewing, reading, writing, gardening, playing an instrument, whatever it may be, do it.

Count your blessings. Get a notebook or journal and each day write down one or two things you are thankful for. When we count our blessings we find that we are more content and happy.

Give yourself a time out. Think of your child. When they are acting up or emotional, a time out can calm them down and give them a reboot. Give yourself a time out! Go into your room or on your back porch and just take a minute to sit there in the complete quiet, close your eyes, and breathe deeply.

Go to a Bible study. I love women's Bible studies! There is something so beautiful and powerful about like minded women getting together to discuss God's Word. Find a Bible study and join. If you can't find one, start one!

Have a quiet time. Be intentional about having a quiet time with God each and every day. This is the best and most effective way to fill our tanks.

Your turn! What are your two favorite ways to take care of yourself? Share in the comments!

It's time for Share A Link Wednesday! Each Wednesday we invite you to leave a link to your latest blog post in the comments. We still desire to connect women of God with one another and encourage each other in Christ. So grab a cup of coffee or glass of sweet tea, sit back and visit a few blogs. Be encouraged and share your own stories.


  1. It is so important for each of us to take care of ourselves. Getting up early to have coffee and my devotional time has been life-giving to me. Only then am I able to face the day.

    My post today:

  2. This theme goes along well with what I wrote about this week about leaving margin in our life. We need to take care of ourselves so that when God sends divine appointments our way, we are prepared to answer. I'm guilty of cramming too much things in my schedule, feeling rushed and imposed upon when the unexpected happens. :(

  3. This is the most balanced self-care list I have ever seen. Thank you! My time in the Word is the first thing, but brief quiet times alone through the day are helpful as well.

    I wrote this week about the unshakeable things to cling to when our world is shaken:


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