Monday, February 18, 2019

Hear His Voice

By: Joanne Viola

Recently I had to travel to a very new to me area of the city. We live in the suburbs and quite frankly, the city is not a place I go by choice. My husband set my navigation system for me and off I went, hoping to make it there and back with no detours, aka – getting lost.

All was going well, until in a panic, I got off the wrong exit. Quickly I called my husband on the phone, who in his calm tone said, “Do you see the blue line?” Looking quickly at my navigation map, I responded, “Yes.” “Stay on the blue line, stay on the line, follow the line.” He calmly kept talking to me until my navigation suddenly began talking to me once again.

And with her voice being heard once again, I said to him, “OK, she’s talking. I think I will be good now.”

Sometimes a new year does not unfold in the way we hope. The journey may take us on twists and turns unknown and dark. A fog can settle in over our minds causing us to feel unsure of what to do or where to go. Decisions can be weighty, and often more than we can bear.

What are we to do during these times?

 "Your own ears will hear him. Right behind you a voice will say, "This is they way you should go," whether to the right or to the left." (Isaiah 30:21, NLT)

God will always be with us in times of adversity, showing us that He is with us in all things. As our hearts stay in tune with Him through prayer and the reading of His Word, we become familiar with His voice.

"My sheep listen to my voice, I know them, and they follow me." (John 10:27, NLT)

We can come to know His voice and be familiar with the nudge of His hand. Sometimes we can know these verses by heart, having memorized them. But it is critical that we also come to know them by heart experience, knowing them to be true and powerful.

Much the way the voice of my husband and my GPS calmed my heart and brought peace to my anxious mind, the voice of our Lord will calm all our fears, keep us on the right path, and direct our minds.

Life is a journey and may we remember it is never a journey we make alone. Whether the days are difficult or mundane, God is with us every moment.

God is present and active in every moment of our lives.
He has no intention of leaving us now.
May we listen for His voice in our ears.  

Photo by Hannah Busing on Unsplash

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