My ladies Bible study group just completed Priscilla Shirer's study Breathe. This is an incredible study in which Priscilla dives into the truth about taking a Sabbath. She brings to light details I hadn't realized before and reminded me of truths I had forgotten or become lazy about.
We need a Sabbath day to rest our bodies from the daily grind, our minds from the chaos around us, and to reflect on God's goodness and all He has been teaching us. For some, that day may be Sunday when church is over. For others, especially those of us in ministry, a Sabbath day may be another day of the week.
God Himself took a day of rest after six days of creation. He didn't take a rest because He needed it. He didn't take it because the work wore Him out. He took it to be an example to us, to teach us right there in the very beginning that we needed to stop, pause, and breathe. Our bodies, minds, and spirits are not meant to keep going and going and going like the little battery bunny.
In addition to taking a Sabbath day, Priscilla talks about something in Breathe that has stuck with me. I've been trying to do this each day. Some days it is easy and other days, well, not so much. She challenges us to take 14 minutes each day to pause. That 14 minutes might be for a catnap, a walk around the block, or to sit on the deck with a cup of coffee and just listen to the sounds of nature. Whatever it looks like, the goal is to just pause and, literally and figuratively, breathe.
When I first heard Priscilla mention this 14 challenge, I wondered where the 14 minutes would actually come from because, if you are like me, there are no extra minutes in the day to pause. Like I said before, some days it is just too hard. But I have found that taking this 14 minute pause is worth every single second.
When my computer is running slow, I know it needs a reboot. When my phone is not fetching texts or pulling up apps quickly, I know it needs a reset. Once I reboot or reset my devices, everything suddenly begins to run quickly and smoothly again. It might be inconvenient for a moment, but the outcome is worth it. The same is for us, it might seem inconvenient at first, but the outcome is worth it.
Friends, we need to have a reboot. We need this time to just pause. I am not talking about a pause from work to look at social media, play a game, or throw in another load of laundry, I am talking a real pause. Letting your mind and body slow down and reset its rhythm.
I want to extend Priscilla's challenge to you. Purposefully take 14 minutes to pause each day. Set an alarm on your cell phone to help you not forget and be intentional. Then, for 14 minutes, let yourself breathe. Take a walk. Sit on the porch. Lay on the couch (just set another alarm so you don't doze too long!). Read the Bible (this is in addition to your regular quiet time with God). Whatever it is that will be a breathe of fresh air for you, do it.
1) Do you intentionally take a Sabbath day?
2) Are you going to give the 14 challenge a try?
3) What will you do for 14 minutes?

It is time for the Woman to Woman Word Filled Wednesday Link Up. We desire to connect women of God with one another and encourage each other in Christ. So grab a cup of coffee or glass of sweet tea, sit back and visit a few blogs. Be encouraged and share your own stories in their comments.
On social media, use hashtag #w2wwordfilledwednesday!
Three rules to this link up:
1. Must be a {Christian} faith post.
2. Please link back to W2W somewhere in your post. (Feel free to use our button if you'd like!)
3. Visit and comment on at least one other blog in the link up.

There have been many times I have been known to grab a cup of tea or water, and sit quietly on the back steps by myself. Watching the trees sway, the clouds, and the birds always bring a sense of calm and peace. You're right - a reboot of sorts. I love Priscilla Shirer's writing (and studies) and need to add this one to my list. Have a great Wednesday!
ReplyDeleteThat sounds like a glorious reboot! Thank you for stopping in Joanne!
DeletePriscilla never fails to encourage and challenge me with her writing and her speaking!
ReplyDeletePriscilla is one of my favorite Bible teachers! Thank you for stopping in Michele!
DeleteSome years ago I "discovered" the last few verses of Isaiah 58 about calling the Sabbath a delight. It transformed my idea of Sabbath rest. We take Sundays as an intentional day of rest, not in a legalistic sense of setting up rules about what we can and can't do, but to set aside any work that doesn't have to be done, spend time with family and church, and just rest.
ReplyDeleteA Sabbath rest is a delight for sure Thank you for stopping in Barbara!