Friday, January 5, 2018

The Gospel Message and Children

January 5th remains a very special date to me. Way back in 1979, I was a mere child of 5 years of age when I trusted in Christ as my Savior.  When I share my testimony with others, I find that I don’t have a very long tale to tell. There is no history of sinfulness and shame to be rescued from, only a child’s understanding that she had on many occasions disobeyed her mommy and daddy and therefore had sinned against God.  She knew after listening to her daddy preach about the “wages of sin being death” and that ultimately without Jesus that death meant Hell.  I have very clear memories of that day and my desire to ask Jesus into my heart and to save me from my sinfulness.

As I am reminded of this day “in history” so to speak, I thought that perhaps we as mommies, aunties, daycare providers and teachers and even Sunday School teachers might need a reminder that even the littlest ones are watching and listening as we live our lives and teach them truth. 

May we always be sharing the salvation message with our children and other young ones around us.  The good news can be understood by even the youngest and when we are faithful to proclaim God’s goodness, He has promised that his Word does not return void. Let us be sure to give them God's Words faithfully and diligently and even more importantly consistently. Be encouraged that though this labor may feel in vain when they scamper off to play that one day that seed that you have been faithful to sow will produce it's fruit in them!

Isaiah 55:11 So will My word be which goes forth from My mouth; It will not return to Me empty, Without accomplishing what I desire, And without succeeding in the matter for which I sent it.

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