Sunday, July 16, 2017

What do I meditate on?

What do I meditate on?  What are my thoughts focused on?  What am I pondering about?  Just today in my devotions I read these words in Psalm 104:34, "May my meditation be pleasing to Him".  I wrote it as a prayer in the margin of my Bible, "May my meditation be pleasing to You".

It was a great help in my spiritual life when I realized I didn't have to let my mind meander wherever it wanted to.  I heard someone say, "think what you're thinking about!", and it really has made a world of difference.  However, reigning in this unruly mind of mine is an ongoing, daily process,.  On any given day, much like a willful child, my mind pushes against restraint and tries to go its own way.  On those kinds of days I meditate on, focus on, and ponder things like a recent hurt or offense, a situation I'm worried or anxious about, fear of the unknown future, or resentment over things I'd rather not have to do.  On other days my mind isn't necessarily focused on negative thoughts, rather its just not focused at all, flitting here and there, willy nilly.

Whatever it is I'm thinking about, there comes a time to stop the madness-to stop the worrisome, fearful, or resentful thoughts, to send a cease and desist order to the willy nilly random thoughts-and to practice experiencing a mind at rest.  Focusing on the splendor of Who God is, God's character, and His wondrous works, the things He has done in my life, is one way I can do this.  My mind cannot think two thoughts at once.  When I take time to focus on Who God is and on His faithfulness in my life, my mind cannot think fearful and anxious thoughts at the same time.  For a few moments, my mind is at peace and rest.  However, my desire is to experience more than just moments of a peaceful mind, but to learn to live that way.  For me, that means I need to make a habit of paying more attention to what I'm thinking about and choose to turn my negative mental meditations off by meditating more on God and His goodness to me.

still following,


  1. Such a great - and needed - reminder. My mind also can be like such a willful child. Great analogy! May we rein in our thoughts, dwelling on the character of God, and experience His peace every day, in every way, and in every situation. Grateful to have read your post today! Blessings!

  2. Amen! What we think about matters. "Do not be conformed to this world, but be transformed by the renewal of your mind, that by testing you may discern what is the will of God, what is good and acceptable and perfect." (Rom 12:2) Blessings on your Sabbath, my friend!

  3. Thanks Elizabeth for sharing this truly encouraging reminder with us.Blessings to you!

    1. Blessings to you too, Elizabeth! God bless you as you meditate on His goodness.


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