Thursday, July 27, 2017

Slow down...Breathe deeply...Pray!

by Debi Baker

You know that saying, "I'm too blessed to be stressed?"  Well, lately I've been feeling like 'I'm too stressed to be blessed!'  

I'm in that stage of life where my kids are grown and my parents are beginning to need more of me.  I'm not complaining, I'm simply stating a fact.  I wouldn't change a thing...except maybe my ability to not stress over it.  I'm pretty easy going {cough, couch}, I think.  However, when things are going a little crazy, I tend to get this feeling inside of rush, rush, rush.  Normally, it's a short event but lately I haven't had much time in between these crazy times and feelings of rush, rush, rush!!!

I put myself in these situations.  See, I'm the Nana that wants to go to every event in her grand-baby's, basketball, school function, doctor appointments, etc!  And I've got 12...yes, 12 grand-babies!  They range in age from 1 year to 19 years!  It can be very taxing but it's my choice.  I want to be involved in their lives as much as possible.  I'm also the daughter that wants to be there for her parents, no matter if it's a fun thing or the more difficult things like doctor appointments, etc.  I want to know what is going on in their lives and I want to make sure they take care of themselves!

That being said...doing grandkids and parents at the same time will wear me slick!  Besides the kids, grandkids and parents, I am a wife, I pastor a church and my hubby & I own our own business.  Any one of those things can wear a person out, but you put them all together and wowzers!!!

I've had to tell myself to slow down, breathe deeply...pray!  I think...I need a vacation!  What good will taking a vacation do me when I'm worried sick about all of that stuff!  Well, if I just slow down, breathe deeply and pray...perhaps when vacation time rolls around in a month I'll be able to enjoy it!

Life gets crazy...crazy fast!  It's just a fact!  I could let life roll off my back like water off a duck's back but what fun would that be?  As crazy as my life is, I wouldn't trade it for all the money in the world.  Instead of that, I'll just slow down, breathe deeply and pray...a lot!

What about you?  How do you cope with life as it runs rampant around you?

I'll leave it here for now...I've got to get at it to meet this day head on...I think I have 4 appointments today...slow down, Debi...breathe deeply, Debi...pray, Debi!!!

Have a blessed and amazing day!!!

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