Today I am going to share with you one
of my devotions from this week. It is all I can think about since I read
it. The title is "Magnificent."
The word magnificent is a perfect word to
describe all of Creation! Have you ever just stopped and thought about
how the different parts of Creation all work? Look at the fly. This
pesky little creature is so annoying. How many times have you ever so carefully
tried to smack one. They almost always dodge the swatter. Why is that? Well, one reason is probably that their eyes...those
two little beady eyes...are made up of hundreds of little beady eyes! They can
see you no matter the direction from which you come at them!
Think about
our bodies...all the systems within. How 'magnificent' that God would create
our bodies to be so intricate! God has made all the systems in our body to work
together in a specific way. Some people don't like chiropractors. However, if
you think about the intricacy with which God has made our bodies, it makes
sense that if our skeletal system is out of alignment then the rest of the
systems in our body will also be a little out of whack.
Have you
ever wondered how the miles of veins, nerves and arteries in our body weave in
and out in such a way that each one knows where it's going and how it carries
our blood throughout our body?
Think about
this...God created man in His image from
the dust of the Earth. We talked about the various systems of the
human body...yet, man was created from
dust! There were no systems in Adam's prototype. Then God blew
His own breath into this dust
formed man. And voilĂ , we have man...with all the
human body systems that are there today!
Our Creator
is mighty, wonderful, miraculous, MAGNIFICENT!! My heart is in awe as I
look at the various parts of Creation.
Genesis 2:7
"7 And the Lord God
formed man of the dust of the
ground, and breathed into his nostrils the breath of life; and man became a
living being."
Job 38:4-7
"4 Where were you when I
laid the foundations of the earth? Tell me, if you know so much. 5 Who determined its dimensions and stretched
out the surveying line? 6 What
supports its foundations,and who laid its cornerstone 7 as
the morning stars sang together and all the angels shouted for joy?"
Have a
blessed day...and take some time
to be wowed by God's Creation!!

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