Wednesday, February 22, 2017

We Are Designed To Pray {Link up & Giveaway}

By: Jenifer Metzger

Prayer is the lifeline of a Christian. Yet prayer doesn't always come easy. Sometimes we just don't know what to say, sometimes we feel as though maybe God isn't listening, sometimes we struggle to talk to Someone we can't see, sometimes we don't spend enough time pausing to pray. There are many reasons why Christians struggle with prayer. Whatever the reason, we must push past the
difficulties and grab hold of our lifeline.

In her new 8 week study, Designed to Pray, Kelly o'Dell Stanley says, "We don't need to know the right words, all we have to do is spend time in prayer and let God do His thing."

Kelly shares new and creative ways to talk to God. She says, "Your conversations with God can be as fun and creative as He is." Kelly gives daily activities from coloring pages, to writing prompts to doodles to help us find a space to let go and just engage with God.

If you are struggling with prayer or just learning how to pray or your prayer life is going great but you'd like to find new and fresh ways to communicate with God, Designed to Pray is a resource you'll want to have.

Today we are giving away a copy of Designed to Pray. To enter to win, complete each task in the rafflecopter below.

It is time for the Woman to Woman Word Filled Wednesday Link Up. We desire to connect women of God with one another and encourage each other in Christ. So grab a cup of coffee or glass of sweet tea, sit back and visit a few blogs. Be encouraged and share your own stories in their comments.

Use hashtag #w2wwordfilledwednesday

Three rules to this link up:
1. Must be a {Christian} faith post.
2. Link back to W2W somewhere in your post. (Feel free to use our button if you want!)
3. Visit and comment on at least one other blog in the link up.

Woman to Woman Ministries

The Woman to Woman Word Filled Wednesday Link Up is for Christian faith posts.  Join us each Wednesday to share your faith filled blog posts!

(Any links not displaying Christian faith will be removed.)

1. The Right Time  15. Does Grace Give Us a License to Sin?  29. Kids & Technology...from a Christian perspective  
2. 3 Phrases You Use But Need To Change  16. Writer Wednesday (link up)  30. Write the Word: 30 Days of Hope  
3. 3 Aspects of Obedience To Expect From Children  17. How to Live Fearlessly  31. Never Give Up  
4. A Priceless Opportunity you Can Miss As A Woman  18. The Cat, the Sand and Forgiveness - Linkup  32. When God Changes The Desires of Your Heart  
5. 3 God Time Lies  19. `Oh My Heartsie Girls Wonderful Wednesday Linkup  33. 20 Ways To Love Your Neighbor  
6. Getting My Body Back  20. Mining Motives  34. The Mystery of HIs Silence  
7. An Invitation For Seeker  21. What If It's All a Matter of Perspective  35. Victoria Duerstock  
8. An Invitation For a Relationship  22. "O Love Divine, What Hast Thou Done"  36. Shamayim  
9. A Mosaic of Images  23. The Bible: Organizational Structure  37. 2 Questions for Ash Wednesday  
10. C.S. Lewis Book Discussion Week 7  24. What God is Teaching Us Through Minimizing  38. Fighting Infection  
11. Is God Hiding? Debbie Wilson  25. How Can You Find Peace {Link-Up}  39. DOES IT WORK TO BE A MARY IF YOU REALLY ARE A MARTHA?  
12. Drowning: My Journey Through Depression Series  26. Simple Message. Simple Concept  40. Eric Carle Springtime Study!  
13. Pam Ecrement  27. Are You A Laborer?  41. Our Inspiring English Unit  
14. Can We Really Know God?  28. Holiness:Nature, Hinderances, Difficulties,Roots  

(Cannot add links: Registration/trial expired)


  1. Pray is definitely hard work. Some days it can come easily and without effort. Other days, it requires a push. So grateful that as I have grown older, I have learned to talk to my soul, thus giving the push I need at times. Opening up to the Psalms always helps me to begin to focus and pray too. Thank yo for sharing about this book!

    1. The Psalms always help me too! Thanks for stopping in Joanne!

  2. When prayer begins so does Satan attacks! He will try and distract you and do anything to get you to stop. At that moment I try and ask God to help keep my mind, thoughts and words focused on Him. Sometimes I will quote scripture. Great give-away!

    1. Oh that is so very true!! He will use anything to stop us from praying, sometimes even "good" things. Thanks you for stopping in! God bless.

  3. I definitely struggle with prayer, in several different ways. I struggle to carve out a prayer time, and follow through. Mainly because I don't want to do it just to check it off a list. I want to avoid becoming stale so often I avoid dedicated prayer altogether, just throwing up prayers throughout the day without ever stopping to be still before God.

    1. I agree, it shouldn't be just a check off thing. I think God likes little prayers throughout the day too, but a purposeful prayer time is so important. Thanks for stopping in Heather!

  4. Like Heather above, prayer does not always come easy to me. Sometimes I pray not out of desire but because it is the next thing on my to-do-list. While it sounds much less romantic, I think that God regards the time I've set aside for Him as an offering. It is a small and meek offering, but an offering that expresses my love and gratitude for Him nonetheless. Thank you Jenifer for speaking this hard truth: prayer is important but it is also hard. I look forward to learning new ways to engage in prayer and connect with God.


Thank you for stopping by, we love hearing from you. Please feel free to contact us with any prayer requests or questions by commenting below or emailing us at the About Us page.