Last week was an insanely crazy week. Not a bad week really. Not too much busier than normal. It just seemed like a very loud week. It's hard to explain really, though I am sure you understand.
Then one night I took my daughter to her sewing lesson. Normally I stay there with her but this time I had a quick errand to run. I found myself alone for the first time in weeks. Normally these rare car rides alone end up in worship music playing loudly as I worship with comforting tears streaming down my face. I am sure the cars passing by think I have lost my mind, but I am okay with that. But this time I just needed the quiet. So I turned the music off. Taking the back roads slowly, I felt God say, "Rest in My embrace. I will hold you."
Right there in the quiet of my car, as I headed to pick up my daughter, I rested in His embrace. His loving, peaceful, strong embrace.
When was the last time you stopped and let God hold you? It's time friends. It's time to pause and just rest in His embrace. He is waiting with open arms just for you.
It is time for the Woman to Woman Word Filled Wednesday Link Up. We desire to connect women of God with one another and encourage each other in Christ. So grab a cup of coffee or glass of sweet tea, sit back and visit a few blogs. Be encouraged and share your own stories in their comments.
Use hashtag #w2wwordfilledwednesday
Three rules to this link up:
1. Must be a {Christian} faith post.
2. Link back to W2W somewhere in your post. (Feel free to use our button if you want!)
3. Visit and comment on at least one other blog in the link up.
We'd be surprised, probably, if we knew how many cars (and mini-vans) are really portable altars!
ReplyDeleteMichele, that is so true! I'm thankful for those altars!
ReplyDeleteA lover of God in the still and quiet, the silence, I find that turning off even the best music is far more fulfilling than any else. As the family taxi, like many moms, I am familiar with some of the w2w challenges, admiring moms like few males can. Still time is precious and we must seek each moment we can with God Himself alone. Rushing about, indeed we can calm and commune with Him, but sometimes we can stop ✋ when we must wait for somebody. If attentive to family needs, we will find waiting (wait states) at least sometimes. This I'm learning as our son particularly feels uncomfortable when nobody is there waiting when he comes out from school and other places. I had always rushed to get all things done. Now having lifechange, I am trying to be a better dad and husband while recovering and seeking paid employment. Those who love me and count on me make me want to do better. Employers never show sufficient appreciation to deserve my devotion to them over family.
ReplyDeleteGod whispers, and we are wise to listen and hear in His stillness, just as you wrote, Jennifer! Sometimes His Presence is so prominent that I am tempted to check nearby, a passenger seat or just beside me, almost as if a human friend were right there. That is insmdeed a sweet moment, surprised by a friend or His Presence. God bless you and all of us with Himself. Let us be open to such moment.
Fredwrites, thank you for sharing and thank you for stopping in! God bless!
ReplyDeleteI love this!