Last month my "service engine soon" light popped on and I posted this to Instagram: For those of us who see the word "soon" and thing as long as we do it before the end of the year we are good, cars should really come with a "service engine soon" light, a "service engine this week" light and a "SERVICE ENGINE NOW DUMMY!" light.
When an engine light comes on in your vehicle it can be something minor like spark plugs or even the gas cap not on tight enough. Yet, sometimes it can be something big. Something that is going to cost a lot to repair or replace, something that must be taken care of immediately before it causes even more damage. Any mechanic would promptly tell you to never, ever ignore that "service engine soon" light because you just don't know how serious it is and you need to take the steps to take care of your vehicle to keep it running safely and properly.
I think we can apply this theory to our spiritual life too.
Have you ever felt like something wasn't running right? Maybe you haven't felt very joyful. Maybe you are feeling angry or depressed. Maybe you are quick to snap at someone. Maybe you just feel disconnected to God. Those feelings are like a spiritual service engine soon light. And just like your vehicle, should never, ever be ignored.
What should you do when your spiritual service engine light comes on?
You need to evaluate your spiritual life. Pause and think about how your walk with God is going.
Have you been in the Word lately?
God's Word is our daily bread. Our nutrition. We need it every single day. Going a day without God's Word is just like driving your car a day without oil. It's highly dangerous. If you feel like that spiritual "service engine light" is on, get into the Word.
Have you prayed lately?
Prayer is our phone line to God. It is how we communicate with Him. If we go a couple of days, or even just one day, without talking to our husband, we feel disconnected from him. Prayer is our connection to God. If you are feeling disconnected or feel like that spiritual "service engine soon" light is on, hit your knees and pray!
Do you have unconfessed sin?
God cannot be a part of sin. Sin is darkness and He is light. Light and dark just do not mix. If you have sin in your life that you have not yet confessed and repented from, you will feel a disconnection from God. Think hard and confess all your sin to our forgiving Father.
Remember, your "service engine soon" light is important and your spiritual "service engine soon" light is even more important. Don't ignore it. Don't wait. Soon means right now when it comes to your spiritual life. Find out what the issue is and fix it.

It is time for the Woman to Woman Word Filled Wednesday Link Up. We desire to connect women of God with one another and encourage each other in Christ. So grab a cup of coffee or glass of sweet tea, sit back and visit a few blogs. Be encouraged and share your own stories in their comments.
Use hashtag #w2wwordfilledwednesday
Three rules to this link up:
1. Must be a {Christian} faith post.
2. Link back to W2W somewhere in your post. (Feel free to use our button if you want!)
3. Visit and comment on at least one other blog in the link up.

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ReplyDeleteI will never view those warning lights on my dash in the same way again!
ReplyDeleteMichele, thank you for stopping in. God bless.
DeleteThank you Angie for stopping by! Have a beautiful day.
ReplyDeleteWhat a good analogy. Sometimes we have a vague sense that something isn't quite right, and we need to investigate rather than soldier on.
ReplyDeleteBarbara, thank you for stopping by!
DeleteI love that analogy! Thanks for this link up.
ReplyDeleteHeather, thanks so much for stopping in!
DeleteSuch a good analogy especially for this wife of a service manager in a car dealership :) Always wise to pay attention to the warning signs - both in our autos and more so, in our hearts. Blessings!