I love being a mother. Motherhood has been one of the most blessed, rewarding, and incredible journeys of my life. If you are a mother, I am sure you can agree. It's a hard job, yet we wouldn't trade a moment of it for anything.
As wonderful as motherhood is, often women made a huge mistake when it comes to raising our kids.
We become so focused on motherhood that marriage takes a backseat. We become so busy with our children and so tired from taking care of them that we no longer have time for our husband.
If we raise our children the way we are supposed to, then one day our children will leave our home. And that's okay, good even. That is the way it is supposed to be! We train up our children to follow God and live for Him, to be good and productive citizens, and to raise their own families. But if we focus solely on raising our kids, once they leave our home we won't even know our husband anymore. One day the nest will be empty and we will look across the dining table and see a stranger looking back at us. We won't know how to act or what to say anymore.
Focus on your marriage.
Pray daily for your marriage, your husband and your husband's wife. Date your husband regularly. Go on marriage retreats. Take marriage classes at your church. Read marriage books. Talk with other couples who have been married longer than you.
Focus on your husband.
Give him your time and attention each day. Ask about his day. Ask about his dreams. Give him eye contact and really listen. Kiss him every day. Hug him every day. Say I love you every day. Be intimate with your husband regularly.
One thing we forget is that when we are focusing on our marriage, we are in fact teaching our kids. We are teaching our kids how to love another human being. We are teaching our daughters how to be a wife. We are teaching our sons how to be a husband. We are teaching them how to run a family unit. Your kids desperately need to see you focusing on your marriage.
Don't find yourself staring at a stranger. Intentionally focus on your marriage and your husband.

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