Put 100 women in a room and ask them to raise their hand if they are busy, I can almost guarantee all 100 women will raise their hand high. We are all busy, especially this time of year. On top of our regular long list of to-dos and chores, we've now added Christmas parties, Christmas shopping, gift wrapping, decorating, baking and more. We. Are. Busy.
Among all of your busyness, are you making time for your husband?
Last week my check engine light came on in my truck. My first thought was, "Ugh! I do not have time, nor money, to deal with this right now!" But I knew that if I let it go unchecked, it could potentially become a big problem that could cost even more money or possibly ruin my car. So I made sure to get it checked. The same goes for our marriage. If we don't date, don't share in intimacy, don't communicate, and don't spend time together, we are leaving our marriage open for some potentially big problems that could possibly ruin our marriage. I also know the more I care for my truck on a regular basis, such as oil changes, tune ups and the like, the more I am safe guarding my truck. Just the same, the more we care for our marriage on a regular basis, the more we are safe guarding our marriage.
We are intentional about carving out time for things important to us. I hear people talk about watching their favorite tv show all of the time. They stop whatever they are doing and plan their life around the hot new show that they just can't miss. Why can't we give that same respect to our husband? Women who are intentional about working out, they make sure to not miss their gym time each day. Why can't we give that same respect to our husband? We make time for girls nights yet we don't make time to date our husband. It's time to think through our priorities. It is time to be intentional about making time for our husband.
Today, spend some time thinking about your marriage. Do you get too busy to give your husband your time and attention? If so, what do you need to rearrange or step down from? Be intentional and purposely give of yourself, your time, your attention and your effort to your husband.
Share your thoughts in the comments!

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