One of the 'traditions' our family enjoys for the holidays is getting together and enjoying a typical, traditional meal as well as each other. It's always been just us with an exception on rare occasion. Location has changed because of the growing size of our family, but everything largely remains the same. We have the same menu every year for Thanksgiving & Christmas...turkey, dressing, homemade noodles, homemade rolls, macaroni & cheese, corn, green beans, cranberry sauce, fruit salad, sweet potatoes, water, tea or soda. It's always the same and it's something that we all look forward to.
In our church we have 2 military families that are f-a-r from home; one is a family with 4 small children and the other is a newly married couple. Earlier this week my 13-year old grandson sent me a message and asked if we could invite these couples to our family Thanksgiving because they don't have family here and they would be lonely! {{awe}}
"40 ...truly I tell you, whatever you did for one of the least of these brothers and sisters of mine, you did for me."
Matthew 25:40 NIV
Then...we got word that the husband of the newly married couple is being deployed...right before Thanksgiving! Last night, he came to me at church and asked if we could invite the wife since now she will be alone for Thanksgiving and no one should be alone on Thanksgiving! Well...his mama (my daughter) and I told him that would be fine. And my heart is so full. We don't know yet if she will be joining us, but what matters is that he cared enough to want to include her!
Sometimes we wonder if all we are teaching our kids ever sinks in. And then once in a while, we see a glimpse of that teaching in them and we know it's all gonna be ok. I worry sometimes about my grandbabies...12 in all, ranging from 6 months to 18-years! But all in all, my kids have done an amazing job with their kids.
I thank God for His many blessings! Seeing Him shining through my of the biggest and best blessings ever!!
Have a blessed day!

Wow, what an awesome thing your grandson wanted to do! I hope she ends up joining you guys for dinner because I think it would be a very special experience for all of you. Sometimes the way our kids show Jesus to others is very humbling.