As we go through our busy routines of life, it becomes easy to simply co-exist with our husband. He's busy. You're busy. You both just go about your every day life then fall into bed at night. Before you know it, days have gone by without any real connection.
We need to remember to intentionally connect with our husband on a daily basis. Here are 3 things that you must put on your daily to-do list.
- Say I love you. Make it a point to say these 3 little yet vital words at least once every day. Your husband needs to hear you say that you love him.
- Touch him. Make an effort to give him some form of physical touch every day. It can be holding his hand, hugging him when he gets home from work, rubbing his neck, the list really is endless. If you 'worry' that your little physical touch will lead to more, don't worry at all! Go with are married after all.
- Have a conversation. Too many couples have stopped talking. It's time to open the lines of communication again. Ask your husband how his day was, ask how you can pray for him, share a dream you had with him, reminisce about a date you had before you married, it can be anything, just get talking!
Put these 3 things on your daily to-do list, and watch your marriage blossom.
Share your own experiences or something extra we should add to the daily to-do list in the comments below.

Absolutely perfect suggestions!! I find myself forgetting 1, 2 or all 3 0f these almost on a daily basis. Thank you for the reminder!