the words of my mouth and
the meditation
of my heart be pleasing to you, O Lord,
my rock and my
Psalm 19:14 NLT
I'm so tired of seeing and hearing words that tear down. I'm tired of seeing and hearing so many FaceBook posts [shared by supposed Christians] that the 'name' of the page or person is a filthy or suggestive name!
In this verse, David tells the Lord he wants to please Him. He wants the words of his mouth AND the meditation of his heart to please God. The meditation would also be the thoughts he has.
God gave the most precious of all gifts to give us eternal life. The least we can do is think good and pleasing thoughts; speak edifying words; bring life instead of death!
I am making it my personal agenda to keep my heart pure and the words of my mouth to be pleasing and life-giving! I challenge you to do the same. When we are positive and life affirming, our attitudes will begin to change. God will be pleased and others will want to be around us.
Take some time today to be life affirming, positive and uplifting and see the world around you in a new way!
Have a blessed day!

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