The other day my husband was in the bathroom shaving. I walked in and for a few moments I just stood and watched him. Watched each careful swipe of the razor. It took me back...
Growing up I used to sit in the bathroom and watch my mom put on her makeup. I remember many mornings studying how she put on her foundation and powder, then did her eyes and cheeks and finally her lips. I also studied her. I studied her features, her movements and her routine. There were other times I studied her as well. Like when she would prepare dinner. How she set the table in an organized manner. How she always had her dish towel flung over her shoulder while she worked. How she was the last seated at the table to make sure that everything was done. I loved those moments of watching her, of memorizing her.
Just as I intentionally and lovingly spent time studying my mom years ago, I need to intentionally and lovingly study my husband now.
We need to study our husbands. Study their movements. Study their likes and dislikes. Study their hobbies. Just study them. Have you ever just watched your husband sleep? Watched him as he mowed the lawn? Watched him as he played with the kids, shaved, or gassed up your car? It's in these moments of studying him that you learn more about him, about what makes him tick, what makes him smile, what hurts his feelings. When we study our children, we feel a deep love and pride that sometimes moves us to tears. We can have that same feeling about our husband, if we only take those moments to study them.
Never stop learning about your husband. In order to learn, you have to intentionally study him. Today I challenge you to purposely pause in your day and just watch your husband. Let your heart fill with love and admiration as you focus your eyes on him

Thanks for the great idea Jennifer. I will try to remember to study my husband so I can learn more about him. I'm sure that will help us get along better.