Time is winding down. It has been a glorious time at our home away from home away from home! There is nothing I enjoy more than spending good quality time with my family. Family vacation is a great way to connect with one another. This year, 3 of our 4 kids and their families we able to get together with us. Ten glorious days! Even though we missed our Boi (this is what we have called our son, Brian, since he was a very little 'boy'), it's been a great time.
I say our home away from home away from home because...my true home is HEAVEN! My home where my hubby & I reside on this earth is our home away from our Heavenly home. Then the beach...specifically, Myrtle Beach, SC, is our home away from our earthly resident home away from our Heavenly home!
Just as the days click by and we'll be heading home before we know it...our days on this earth are ticking by. One day...soon...God will say to Jesus, "Son, it's time. Go bring my children home [to Heaven]." At that point, Jesus will meet us in the clouds and together we will go ... home ... to be with our Heavenly Father forevermore!!!
There is nothing like the beach. I love sitting on the sand and watching the waves. I love looking out and seeing so many people laughing and having a good time. I love being in the water and boogie boarding with my grandkids. When we are at the ocean, we savor every moment because we know that in a blink of an eye, it'll be time to go home.
Just as our family enjoys each and every minute from the moment we leave our driveway until we arrive on the beach...we should savor each moment we live on this earth. Walk a little slower. Stop and smell the flowers. Enjoy the gentle breeze as it rustles through the trees. Take in every moment. Spend time with family. Speak a little kinder. Love a little harder. Witness more. Pray more. Spend time with Daddy God. These things make our time away from our Heavenly home more palatable. And honestly, if you can't enjoy the Creation of your Heavenly Father while you are on this earth, you won't enjoy Home either.
God took the time to make this ol' earth for His children. He wants us to enjoy it. He also wants us to know that this is not the final destination. Philippians 3:20-21 NLT says, "20 But we are citizens of heaven, where the Lord Jesus Christ lives. And we are eagerly waiting for him to return as our Savior. 21 He will take our weak mortal bodies and change them into glorious bodies like his own..."
Oh, I am so thankful and blessed that God created the ocean for me to enjoy. And as much as I enjoy it and love spending time there, I know it will be so much greater once I finally get Home! I pray that the Lord will help me be everything I can be for Him while I am at my home away from home away from Home!!
Have a blessed day,

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