Friday, May 15, 2015

Happy Endings

By Angie Ketcham

I'm not sure where other families are in their journey with education, but in the Ketcham household, we are running the Indy 500 to the finish line!  Forget education at this point.  All that can be picked from those brilliant minds are flip flops and sunglasses, slumber parties and swimming pools!  Every evening we seem to be out with graduations, end of year celebrations, and birthdays galore (is it just me or does it seem everybody has birthdays in May?).  There isn't much time to rest, but there is definitely an end in sight, right?

I can't help but think about how true that statement really is.  There really is an end in sight.  True, it doesn't feel like it when we're trying to "get it all done", but reality is that there is an end in sight.  It seemed so far away just 18 years ago when two starry eyed kids said "I do", but time plays its magic and here we are headed toward the finish line once again.

All the while, I try my best to soak it all in.  I try to slow it all down and relish in the moments that will soon escape my grasp.  I try to say yes as much as possible, because I don't want my kids to miss a minute of happy moments.  I try to smile and give hugs whenever they will let me get close enough.  And I try to remember.  I try to remember what it was like, not so long ago, when they were just preschoolers playing in little tents in the front yard, laughing and giggling.  I try to remember that first freedom as dad let go of the bike with no training wheels.  We clapped and cheered our young ones on as they grew right before our eyes.  I try to remember the warmth of the fire against the cool spring air as the sun crawled behind the trees.  We'd pull out the smores and Sissy would be covered in marshmallow and chocolate as we laughed the night away.  These are the treasures of my journey.

I am thankful that I have been blessed with another year to enjoy the life that my Abba Daddy has given to me.  I am thankful that He has entrusted me in the care of my wonderful 5 children and has made His grace abundant to everyone.  I'm thankful He has shown me what that really means to have grace, even for the tough stuff that much grace needs to be given.  I am thankful that no matter what education my children are receiving, that they know they are loved by a Heavenly Father that is infinitely more wise then their earthly mother that only thinks she knows it all.  I smile.  And I am thankful that, no matter how much our children grow up, they still need their momma every once in a while (if for nothing else, to babysit the grandkids).  Because it reminds me that maybe that "ending" might not end after all, just begin something new.

1 comment:

  1. The last sentence, "maybe that "ending" might not end after all, just begin something new." I needed that.


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