I get excited about so many things in life.
Some of the things, or people, that make the top of my list are: God, my husband, my daughter, my son, studying my Bible, helping others, the Seattle Seahawks, and the list goes on and on.
Sometimes I have a problem with my list.
You see, the things on the list seem to change their order a lot, and when that happens everything in life looses it's focus.
When we devote our time and attention to these things, it's an act of worship.
But, here is the thing. Our heavenly Father is a jealous God and He wants us to worship one thing only, and that one thing is Him.
"Do not worship any other god, for the Lord , whose name is Jealous, is a jealous God."
Exodus 34:14 (NIV)
Who do you worship?
Satan is a manipulator. He tries to sway us with our human emotions and get our focus off of what should be most important in our lives, God.
So many things get in the way of worshiping God. A fight with our husband, money problems, someone has wronged us, our favorite team just won a big game, having difficulty with one or more children.
We need to create a check up system in our lives to prevent this from happening. That check up system begins by going to God in prayer.
We need to ask God to create a clean heart within our lives so that it will be renewed and open to having Him as first place in our life. Which in turn will place our point of worship where it belongs on Christ our Savior.
"Therefore, I urge you, brothers and sister, in view of God's mercy, to offer your bodies as a living sacrifice, holy and pleasing to God, this is your true and proper worship." Romans 12:1 (NIV)
"Through Jesus, therefore, let us continually offer to God a sacrifice of praise, the fruit of lips that openly profess his name." Hebrews 13:5 (NIV)
Who receives your worship? Take time this week to re-evaluate your priorities and make sure God is at the top of your list, right where He wants to be. Having and intimate worship relationship with the Savior is the best kind of relationship to have. Our lives seem to flow so much smoother when our priorities are straight. Don't you agree?
It is time for the Woman to Woman Word Filled Wednesday Link Up. We desire to connect women of God with one another and encourage each other in Christ. So grab a cup of coffee or glass of sweet tea, sit back and visit a few blogs. Be encouraged and share your own stories in their comments.
Use hashtag #w2wwordfilledwednesday
Three rules to this link up:
1. Must be a {Christian} faith post.
2. Link back to W2W somewhere in your post. (Feel free to use our button if you want!)
3. Visit and comment on at least one other blog in the link up.

Thanks so much for hosting!
ReplyDeleteYou're welcome Debbie! Thanks for stopping by!
DeleteThis is a great reminder for me today. Thanks for your wisdom.
ReplyDeleteSo true, my priorities change all the time and that's when things get out of control. I need to be reminded that the only way things will fall into place is if I worship Him first and only Him. ~Cynthia
ReplyDeleteYes, I so agree!
DeleteGreat encouragement and reminder!
ReplyDeleteWe do need to continually be vigilant to ensure the evil one isn't luring us away. It can be so easy to spend our time on other things we love, especially with the nice weather here. Soon we can start to fall away. That's when we are most vulnerable to sin.
ReplyDeleteI agree, I always have to check myself to make sure that my priorities are right. Have a wonderful day Kim, thanks for stopping by!
DeleteMy list is continually changing, as well, I'm constantly having to make a heart devotion check, too! I'm so easily distracted, but SO thankful that God is gracious, patient, and forgiving!