Friday, April 3, 2015

Confident Peace In Death

By Angie Ketcham

I've been contemplating the price of the precious gift of the Cross through the eyes of Mary, Jesus' mother, this week.  Tears have fallen thinking about the sacrifice that was made for me.  I think about my son.  I know God has big plans for him in his life and the great things that he will do one day (if we survive the teenage years).  I try to never think about what life without him here looks like.  That would be too painful to even put into thought.  And yet, Mary was told by an angel, before she ever bore her child, that his purpose was greater than life itself. Even though she knew this, she must have been hoping the angel was mistaken, as he was just as fragile as any other baby born.  And yet, the bright star in the sky that seemed to follow them was a constant reminder that time was always moving toward a good bye.

She must have known he was coming into his purpose when she found him at the temple after several hours of frantic panic while her child was missing.  She lost him once, she was not going to lose him again!  And yet, his words to her must have stung with the reminder that his life was not hers, but his Father’s.  How she must have hurt knowing that she couldn’t change the situation, neither could she stop the swift movement of time.  I’m sure she died a little each day knowing each day she could never get back.  And yet, she carried on.  The word says, “but Mary treasured up all these things and pondered them in her heart.”  Each moment of her son’s life was written upon her heart as only a mother can know. Yet, she still learned to let go.  It is no wonder that our Heavenly Father allowed the weeping heart cries of an earthly mother to be one of the first to discover that her son was no longer dead, but he was alive!  Her tears were not in vain, but her tears could now turn to rejoicing because Jesus defeated death and made a way to spend eternity with those we hold so dear!

This week, a dear friend of mine lost her 8 year old son to a brain tumor.  As parents, they did everything that they could do to stop the fatal diagnose given to them in November of this last year.  They knew what the doctors were saying, but they also knew the God that they serve.  So, they were able to hope no matter what the outcome of the situation.  Their confidence came from that day that changed history, when our Lord said I surrender my will for that little boy, that one day needs to see his momma again.  They were able to finish out their son's life with painful joy knowing that one day, because another mom gave her son up for mankind, because another mom felt the pain of that anticipated day when her earthly son would be with her no more, because of a Heavenly Father that loved us so much that He made a way through his bruised and battered Son, that paid the price, so that we could have confidence that we will see each other again on the other side of this life.  Thank you, Jesus, that we can have confident peace because of you. 

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