"And we know that God causes everything to work together for the good of
those who love God and are called according to his purpose for them."
Romans 8:28 NLT
This verse has gotten me through many a hard time in my life. The first time God gave it to me was when I was going through a particularly hard time in my life. It was one of those things that "would never happen to our family." Or so we thought. In that time, I cried out to my heavenly Father day after day. I questioned why? What did I do wrong? How could this have happened? And very clearly God said to me that He works ALL things together for good and that I should not worry and just trust Him. I look back on that time now and I see how far we've come...I see how God has worked it all for His good!
Since that time, I have relied on that verse so many times. In any tragedy, in any event...I know that God works it all for His good.
There have been times when I'm driving and I feel prompted to take a different route or something. I always listen and it seems like later that day I'll hear of an accident or something that was on the route I normally take! God was allowing me to not be a part of that. Or the times when I run late...which I truly hate...God reminds me that He is in control and that He works all things for MY good. It's times like that when I wonder if I'd been on time would I have had an accident of some sort!
Yes...God works ALL things together for good according to HIS purpose and plan for our life!! So, whatever you are going through today, commit this verse to your memory...read it over and over and know that your God loves you more than you know...trust Him to know what's best for you...trust Him to fulfill the promises He has given you!
Have a wonderful day!

I love this verse!