Friday, March 27, 2015

Celebrating the Holy Week

This Easter season, I have decided that I will listen to the Holy Spirit's prompting and lead my family in finding the "Holy" in this Holiday, celebrating Christ's Resurrection.  Would you consider joining me this week as we remember that blessed sacrifice that was made upon the cross?  Here are some ideas that focus on Jesus' life, his miracles, and his resurrection.  Let's celebrate, with our children,the Hope we have because of Christ.

Palm Sunday:  Luke 19: 28-48  Hosanna Branches
        Remove some twigs with leaves from a tree.  Sing a worship song to Jesus as you wave the branches.  Talk about what it would have been like to see Jesus.  Why were all the people excited and why did some people want Jesus to quiet the cheering crowd?  How would you show your excitement if Jesus were coming where you lived?  Tell Jesus you want him to be King of your life.

Monday:  2 Corinthians 5:17 and Romans 6:4  New Life Paper Flowers
        Using various colors of tissue paper, cut out a 6 inch diameter flower head on all layers.  When all 5 are cut, stack them and poke a hole through the center with a pipe cleaner.  Once half way through, bend stem and push back through tissue.  Twist the bent end into a "knot" to keep the wire and tissue paper in place.  Flowers remind us of Spring time and the coming hope of new life.  Jesus gives us hope and new life when we ask Him to be our Lord and Savior.  

Tuesday:  Mark 16:1-20  Scavenger Hunt
         Gather together items that are mentioned in any of the Scripture readings that have to do with the birth, life, death, and resurrection.  Use these items as review.  Talk about what the resurrection means to believers.  Thank God for sending His only Son to take away the sins of the world.  (Examples are hay, silver coin, nails, bread, juice, flowers (in the garden of Gethsemane), water (washing of the feet), or any other item you might have around the house.)

Wednesday:  John 10:7-9  Luke 15:1-7 Sweet Sheep  
          To let our children know that Jesus is our shepherd and the Lamb of God, let your child decorate a prepared chocolate cupcake (with paper removed) by covering it in white frosting with coconut sprinkled on the outside.  Leave an opening on one side to put 2 small dabs of frosting as the eyes.  Use small pieces of fruit roll up snack to represent the ears and larger pieces to place along the bottom sides as the 4 legs of the sheep.  As kids enjoy the snack, read aloud the Scripture.

Maundy Thursday:  Luke 22:7-62 Foot Washing
          The Thursday before Easter is called Maundy Thursday.  The word "Maundy" comes from the Latin word that means "commandment".  Jesus commanded his disciples and all of us to remember him during the Lord's Supper.  Also, Jesus washed his disciples' feet, celebrated Passover, prayed in the Garden of Gethsemane, was betrayed by Judas, was denied by Peter, and was taken before the Sanhedrin, the Jewish council, for trial.  There were many things that happened to Jesus on this day that might have been difficult.  Today we need to remember that Jesus suffered just as we suffer sometimes.  But he endured it all so we could be forgiven.  Thank Jesus now for loving us so much that he endured difficult things for our sake.  This would be a perfect opportunity to have a foot washing ceremony led by the parents, to humble oneself as Jesus did.

Good Friday:  Luke 22:19, 20; 22:66-23:56  Communion
           This activity will help kids understand why Christians take the Lord's Supper and what Jesus meant when he said, "This do in remembrance of me."  Prepare nine numbered brown paper bags.  In each bag put something like popcorn, peanuts, cotton candy, Tootsie Rolls, candy canes, marshmallows, cupcakes, and jelly beans.  In a separate bag put the bottle of grape juice, a piece of bread, and any other Lord's Supper elements.  As each bag is revealed ask what it reminds the child of?  What places or events?  When was the last time you had this food?  Does it bring good or bad memories?  Reveal the bread and grape juice from the last bag and explain what Jesus did with each item.  We are to remember what the Lord did each time we share in this special Lord's Supper.

Saturday:  John 20  Preparing the Tomb
           The stone was proof to this earthly world that Jesus had died.  Jesus had said, "It is finished" and he had paid the penalty for our sin.  The tomb was sealed and no man could turn back what had just taken place.  But aren't we so thankful that the story doesn't end here?  For today, we will make some Quick Rolling Stone Rolls:  1.  Grease a round cake pan.  2.  Open a can of biscuits  and place in pan.  3.  Sprinkle with:  1/2 cup brown sugar, 1/4 cup margarine, and 1 teaspoon cinnamon.  4.  Bake according to directions on can. Read the story while you wait for them to bake.  5.  Remove from oven and turn pan over on a plate.  Wait 5 minutes.  Remove pan and enjoy the rolls as you think of the stone rolled away from the tomb.

Resurrection Sunday:  Luke 24:1-12  Early Easter Morning
             Watch the sun rise as a family.  Let each person hold up a pre-cut cross made of black construction paper toward the sun so the first morning rays shine around the cross.  Talk about what the resurrection means to believers.  Thank Jesus Christ that He is the light of the world and brings salvation to those who believe.


Thank you for stopping by, we love hearing from you. Please feel free to contact us with any prayer requests or questions by commenting below or emailing us at the About Us page.