Friday, August 29, 2014

A Note To A Momma

A Note To A Momma

As I sit down to write, I have a million thoughts swirling around in my head, but none of them seem to stick long enough to make a brilliant statement of greatness.  As a matter I fact, the only thing that sticks is this still small voice that says there’s a mom out there that needs to hear these words…You’re doing a great job!  It seems that days are weaved into weeks and months of the same fabric over and over:  Make a bottle, change a diaper, watch Caillou for the millionth time…wipe down the high chair and pick up the leftovers that the dogs missed, clean up the blocks and colors for the thousandth time today…find the missing Desitin, and once again, change a diaper that now needs to be delivered directly to the trash bin, kiss the owie that just happened when you turned for just a second, while putting a baby down for a nap…all the while your mind is thinking about all that needs to get done, wondering how the bills are going to get paid, and thinking the noise coming from the toddler’s room is going to be half a day’s work to clean up…Your emotions are all over the board and all you really want to do is lay down and take a nap because you were up most of the night with a teething baby and a two year old jumping on her bed reciting every word she’s learned in her 24 months of life on Earth….and you wonder…Is this it?  Is this how it is suppose to be?  I used to be able to complete a thought, but now I can’t even seem to be able to get my two year old to rest!  I’m so tired, but I need to grocery shop because I only have enough for one more day of bottles, and now I’m thinking dinner is a wash.  We’ll have to eat leftovers again.  I feel like such a failure with it all!
 So, to you, Momma, God sends you a message.  He wants you to know He loves you very much.  If you have a moment, look at the birds in the sky.  They’re there as a reminder to you that He cares so much more for you.  He sees you.  And just like that bird in the sky, He will never leave you.  He’s got this and He’s so proud of what you’re doing!  So much so, He entrusted you with some of His most prized possessions!  He sees how many diapers you’ve changed today and wants you to know each change is to remind you of His constant care for you.  Just like you constantly care for that little one, He gives you His constant care too.  He hasn’t left you, He’s cheering you on!  So don’t give up, Momma!  This too, sadly enough, shall pass.  And He’ll be with you every step of the way!

So do not worry or be anxious about tomorrow, for tomorrow will have worries and anxieties of its own. Sufficient for each day is its own trouble.

Are not five sparrows sold for two pennies? And [yet] not one of them is forgotten or uncared for in the presence of God.  But [even] the very hairs of your head are all numbered. Do not be struck with fear orseized with alarm; you are of greater worth than many [flocks] of sparrows.


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