By: Shari A. Miller
One of my favorite television shows that I love to watch with my husband is called, "American Pickers." It's about two men that travel around the country looking for antiques, in all shapes and sizes, that they turn around and sell in their two stores. I always tell my husband that we should travel the country and do that one day. It would be like waking up to a treasure hunt each morning.
Sometimes, the men on this show are very successful and they find huge ticket items that they can turn around and sell for a high profit. Other times, they are not as successful, and they only find small items that help them stay a float from day to day.
One of their favorite sayings is, "the bread and butter is in the smalls." Which means exactly what it says. They keep the bread and butter on the table through the smaller items they find and turn around and sell.
This got me thinking about our everyday lives. Sometimes we search and strain our necks, looking this way and that, for that big ticket item that we think God should place in our life everyday. We try to tell God that his timing is not correct and we need this, that, and the other thing, and we need it now. Which results in us not being very happy or satisfied with life in general when the big ticket items never arrive.
Imagine what would happen if we stopped focusing on the big ticket items and started searching for the smalls in our life. Smalls come in many forms, like the the crisp morning air, the first flowers of Spring, the twinkle in your child's eye, the kiss from your husband before he leaves for work. The list can go on and on.
What blessings in the form of smalls has Christ placed in your life? If you've never tried making a gratitude journal why not start today? Fill it with lists of all the wonderful gifts God has placed in your life. Instead of focusing on what you don't have, try to focus on what you do have, and you'll see your spirit soar, as you find the gifts are to numerous to count.
"Every good and perfect gift is from above, coming down from the Father of the heavenly lights, who does not change like shifting shadows." James 1:17 (NIV)
It is time for our Woman to Woman Word Filled Wednesday Link Up. We desire to connect women of God with one another and encourage each other in Christ. So grab a cup of coffee, sit back and visit a few blogs. Be encouraged and share your own stories in their comments.
Use the hashtag #w2wwordfilledwednesday!
Three rules to this link up:
1. Must be a {Christian} faith post.
2. You must link back to W2W somewhere in your post.
3. You must visit and comment on at least one other blog in the link up.

ReplyDeleteThank you for stopping by Cynthia!
DeleteThank you for the link up. Have a great day.
ReplyDeleteThank you for stopping by Kim!
DeleteBeautiful, Shari!! You are totally correct...the 'smalls' offer SO much...if we just look for it!!
ReplyDeleteThank you for your kind words Debi. Sometimes the smalls are the best things, if we just choose to look for them. :)
DeleteSo, so, so true. Several years ago me and two of my friends all had financial struggles in a big way. We had been praying hard together that God would provide. Both of my friends received very large monetary blessings. I kept thinking mine was sure to come. It never did. While I was happy for them, I struggled because I didn't receive a blessing. Then God showed me that I had received a blessing. My husband desperately needed winter overalls for work as he works in outside temps in the single digits. One night at church someone had put an envelope in my purse with the exact amount of a pair of the winter overalls. But I was too busy looking for a BIG blessing that I forgot to praise God for the small blessing -which really was a big blessing because my husband may not have been able to work without it!
ReplyDeletePraise God, in one way or another he always provides and carries us through!
DeleteOh, friend, I love this! I so agree that the smalls are the bread of life. After we lost our Sarah, I slowly "came back to life" by finding one tiny thing to be grateful for -- my Melanie's bouncing curls, a bright orange pumpkin, etc. My post today is about a BIG gratitude, made up of many small ones. ~Pamela
ReplyDeleteThank you for stopping by today Pamela. I'm so sorry to hear of your loss. It's so encouraging to hear how God saw you through. I look forward to reading your post.
DeleteMy husband and I love watching "American Pickers" - (I'll be Mike, he's skinnier!!) And I just love the lesson about looking for the *smalls*. Since my dad died in January, it seems like I've been surrounded (and overwhelmed) by the big things. But, today I can thank the Lord for the gift of a warm summer breeze, and a big granite mountain that speaks to me of His steadfast love.
ReplyDeleteGOD BLESS!
I'm sorry for your loss. I lost my father 18 years ago, I know that can be very hard. I'm so thankful that you can seek out God's blessings today!
DeleteShari - LOL - my husband and I love Pickers, too - it's my favorite adventure to indulge in when thrifting and antiquing - looking for that hidden treasure. And, you're right. I often look past the big things - can't afford them and they won't fit in my car - and I ask the Lord to bless me with a "small treasure" - a delight to my soul. Often, I find something that reminds me of a verse and I know I have a tangible inspiration to share God's story with others in one of my teaching programs. To that end - well - I have lots of "smalls" - and for me . . . they all have God's name written on them. But, isn't that what Creation is supposed to be - physical metaphors of spiritual principles. The heavens declare His glory - and so, too - my curiosity cabinet.