Wednesday, May 14, 2014

Remove the Clogs...

This week I went to vacuum my carpets and had some troubles. The vacuum was not sucking up the dirt and it was spitting dirt back out at me. I checked all of the normal things; made sure the canister was empty, made sure the filter was clear and checked the hose for a clog. All was clear. So I tried again. Yet it was still not working properly.

I was completely confused and getting more frustrated by the minute. After taking apart different pieces, I found a "secret" hose line. I had never seen this hose line before and it was well hidden in the vacuum. So I pulled this hose line out and guess what? It was completely full!

After the line was emptied and cleaned, guess what? The vacuum worked perfectly!

Just as the vacuum had something blocking the suction, sometimes we get things in our lives clogging our view of God. That clog could be unconfessed sin, ungodly things, or just lack of spending time with God.

Are you having trouble hearing from God? Check your lines, are they all clear to hear God? If not, clean it up! Don't let anything block your line with God.

It is time for our Woman to Woman Word Filled Wednesday Link Up. We desire to connect women of God with one another and encourage each other in Christ. So grab a cup of coffee, sit back and visit a few blogs. Be encouraged and share your own stories in their comments.

Use the hashtag #w2wwordfilledwednesday! 

Three rules to this link up:
1. Must be a {Christian} faith post.
2. You must link back to W2W somewhere in your post.
3. You must visit and comment on at least one other blog in the link up.

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  1. Isn't it amazing and surprising to find a blog post in almost everything we encounter every single day, in the minutia of our lives! Clogged! I have felt "clogged" many times in the past but once I check and double and triple check my connections I usually find where that dreaded clog is! Thanks for the great word-lesson!

    1. My husband laughed when I said I was blogging about the clog in the vacuum! Lol. But God speaks to us any way He can get our attention! Thanks for stopping in Susan!

  2. OK, Jenifer, might I just start out by saying that is a disgusting photo!!! LOL! But I totally love the analogy, and spiritual lesson that you brought out of it! And when I really think about it, the *clogs* in my life are anything but pretty!!

    Here's a short vacuum story of my own. Once I accidentally sucked up a necklace. Without thinking - (of anything else but retrieving that treasured necklace) - I flipped over the vacuum and put my fingers into the rollers to try to get it. Unfortunately, I had forgotten to turn the power off. My fingers were subjected to quite a thrashing. No broken bones, and I did get the necklace out of the dustbag finally. The lesson here? Perhaps that we can't unclog or rescue anything by ourselves! We need Jesus!!


    1. Sharon, it is a gross picture! :) Oh my, I am so glad you didn't break your fingers, goodness! I love how you've added to the analogy here, so true!

  3. Love the analogy here. It's so true. We must daily seek God in removing things that shouldn't be in our lives. We aren't prepared if we are coating on yesterdays prayer and bible time. I recently wrote a blog post on that to. Thank you for the reminder! Have a blessed day!

    1. Yes Starla, yes! We can't live off yesterday's prayer and Bible time, we need to seek Him every day! Thank you for stopping by!


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