"20 When evening came, Jesus was reclining at the table
with the twelve. 21 And while they were eating, he said,
'Truly I tell you, one of you will betray me.'"
Matthew 26:20 NIV

Sometimes I think we read over the story quickly and fail to realize that it is so much more than a story. This is an event in the lives of 12 men that had trusted in Jesus and had lived together for 3 years. They depended upon one another. They became family. And now, one of them would betray, not only Jesus, but the entire family of men. I cannot imagine the tensions in the room that night. I can't imagine how each man must have felt as he looked around the dinner table wondering who was the betrayer.
On this Thursday before Easter, take a few minutes and try to imagine the scene. Put yourself in the picture. See, Judas was the betrayer, but in all reality, each and every one of us has probably been a betrayer of Jesus...maybe not to the magnitude Judas was, but certainly each of us has had opportunity where we have turned against Jesus. Remember, it is OUR sin that put Him on that tree.
I pray that you truly put some serious thought into that last supper. Let God speak to you through this event.
Have a blessed Easter. Remember, He was crucified and buried but on the 3rd day...HE ROSE AGAIN!!!

I cannot imagine what the disciples must have felt knowing one of their own would betray Jesus. And I cannot thank my Jesus enough for the suffering He willingly took for me. Great reminder.