Thursday, March 20, 2014

Worry or Trust...

"6Don’t worry about anything; instead, pray about everything.  Tell God what you need, and thank him for all he has done.  7Then you will experience God’s peace, which exceeds anything we can understand.  His peace will guard your hearts and minds as you live in Christ Jesus."

Philippians 4:6-7 NLT

These 2 verses say so much.  The world in which we live today causes everyone to worry about everything.  How will I pay the bills? My car broke down again.  My kids are sick.   It goes on and on.  We worry...a lot!  Yet, the word of God tells us to NOT worry about ANYTHING!  That seems impossible, doesn't it?  How can we not worry.  There is never enough money to go around.  Forget living paycheck to paycheck...most people today live paycheck to the middle of the week.  

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Well, the best thing we can do is NOT worry.  We need to tell God, as if He doesn't already know, what it is that we need.  But it doesn't stop there...we are supposed to thank Him...thank Him for ALL that He has already done in our life and all of that with which that He has blessed us.  If we will just look around, we will see many things in our life that truly are blessings straight from God above!!

We must stop looking at what we don't have and be thankful for those things we DO have!  I challenge you, for this next week...stop worrying.  Start praying about those things that cause you to worry.  Tell God your needs and then THANK HIM for everything.  Even thank Him for the 'lack' in your life.  Yes...thank Him for the lack.  Why?  Because as you thank God for the lack, I believe He will see the thankfulness and begin to fill the HIS time and in HIS way.

When we begin to thank God for His greatness, there is a certain peace that comes.  It is a peace that the world doesn't understand.  It is a peace that only God can give!!

Trust God.  We say we do, but when we worry, we aren't showing that we trust Him.

Have a blessed, worry-free day!!!


  1. Thank you! I just finished paying bills and we're already $30 short before gas or food or any extras. That's when worry crowds in every cranny! And then I panic on my husband. It's very hard to not worry when the numbers don't add up, on a regular basis. But God is faithful. I will repeat: God is faithful.


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