We know family is vital.
We know we should get along.
We know we were born with a natural tie that should hold us all together.
But it doesn't always feel that way.
And, sometimes, it can be very hard for our kids to see that family is and should be very important.
Part of helping our kids know that family is important is making sure they know your family is on the same team.
For us, this means talking about team.
We talk about how we are all on the same side. We cheer for each other, we help each other, we act for the benefit of the team.
If one part is down, we all must fill in the gap.
If one part is sad, we all must lift them up.
If one part is rejoicing, we can all rejoice together.
In the most important game they will ever play, the game of life, being a part of a strong family team is invaluable to success.
No matter what your family looks like. No matter what your family dynamics are right now.
Family is a team.
Family sticks together.
Family walks through it all as one.
Here are some tips for teaching your kids about the family team:
1. talk about it - bring every discipline, every success, every situation back to the fact that your family is a team
2. spend time together - teams practice. teams celebrate. teams rest. teams play. teams talk. teams do activities that build an atmosphere of strength. do this for your family
3. support - if your kids need you, be there. draw them out. talk to them. make sure they know you are on their side. make sure your kids are there for each other. your kids should know what it means to be cheered for and also to be the cheer leader for a sibling.
These are just a few simple things you can apply in your family today to build the family team. If it isn't something you've talked about in a while, have a family meeting and start the discussion today.
Building a family team will be something that will last the test of time with your kids.
What are some ways that you build your family team?
A few resources for you:
Building Sibling Relationships
Keeping the Peace on School Nights
Joy on the journey,
