morning! The 'thought' (verse) for today is 1 Thessalonians 5:15 NIRV.
"15 Make
sure that nobody pays back one wrong act with another.
Always try to be kind
to each other and to everyone else."
1 Thessalonians 5:15 NIRV
My thoughts
are this…if we would take this verse to heart and really try our best to be kind to one another...this world would be a much better place. If we would work at not paying back evil for evil...we would be happier. It saddens my heart that this world has become so 'me' oriented. Life isn't about me. Now I've never been the 'mean' kind of gal. I've never been outright hateful or mean to anyone...not intentionally. But I know there has been times when I wasn't as kind as I could or should have been to someone. God please forgive me for that.
I think we should make the effort to be kind. Hold the door open for that person coming up behind you. Say 'thank you' when someone holds the door for you. When someone is struggling with their packages, stop and help them. It's not hard to be kind. It takes more effort to ignore someone than it does to be kind to them. So as you go about your day today, be extra alert to those around you. Do some random act of kindness. It will bring a smile to someone's face and you will feel a sense of accomplishment.
May your day be filled with kindness above and beyond your imaginations!

Great thoughts! We need to strive to be kind.