"4 Rejoice in the Lord always. Again I will say, rejoice!"
Philippians 4:4 NKJV
When I woke up this morning, this verse was on my heart. It is a short, simple verse with a powerful message. It doesn't say to rejoice in the good times. It doesn't say to rejoice in the bad times. It simply says to 'rejoice in the Lord always.' No matter what you are going through today God is with you and you can take comfort in the fact that He has your back.
It's not always easy to feel joy when the world seems like it is crashing down around you. But one thing we can know for certain is that God is aware of everything. After all, He is the creator. Trust Him to take care of you and rejoice in HIM!
Have a blessed day,

love this verse! Thanks for posting it today!