Wednesday, January 29, 2014

How To Defeat the Mundane

Sometimes everyday tasks get boring. Even tedious. Day after day we fight mountains of laundry, piles of dishes and pay bills. Day after day we repeat the same instructions to our kids as if they have forgotten that we just said the same thing two hours ago. Life can get mundane.

How can we beat the mundane?

So whether you eat or drink or whatever you do,
do it all for the glory of God.
1 Corinthians 10:31

Everything you do, do for God. This include the house cleaning, paying the bills, running errands, everything! Here are a couple tips to help you find joy in the every day tasks and to do it for God.

  • Put praise music on. When we listen to praise music we are taken to that place of worship. So listen to praise music and worship God as you do your work.
  • Pray for those you are serving. As you fold the laundry, pray for each family member as you fold their clothes. As you cook dinner, pray for your family.
  • Praise God for giving you the work. As you wash the dishes, praise God you had food to eat to dirty the dishes. As you pay bills, praise God for the money to pay those bills.
  • Get sleep. When we are tired, we get cranky and the work load seems more intense. 
  • Smile. Simply smiling helps lift your spirits and brings joy.

Everything you do, do for God. 

It is time for our Woman to Woman Word Filled Wednesday Link Up. We desire to connect women of God with one another and encourage each other in Christ. So grab a cup of coffee, sit back and visit a few blogs. Be encouraged and share your own stories in their comments.

Use the hashtag #w2wwordfilledwednesday! 

Three rules to this link up:
1. Must be a {Christian} faith post.
2. You must link back to W2W somewhere in your post.
3. You must visit and comment on at least one other blog in the link up.

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The Woman to Woman Word Filled Wednesday Link Up is for Christian faith posts.  Join us each Wednesday to share your faith filled blog posts!

(Any links not displaying Christian faith will be removed.)

18. What a Face! 

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  1. Hi Jenifer,

    Thank you for your encouraging post. It's always good to be reminded of who we are serving through our daily tasks :)

    God bless

  2. I so appreciate the "get sleep" piece of advice. I hardly ever take naps -- think I should be more productive. But the truth is, more rest can make me more productive.

    1. Oh yes, we need rest! We are much more productive and feel better when we are well rested. Thanks Jen!

  3. That's one of my favorite verses, and I'm a big believer in getting enough rest. If God rested on the seventh day of Creation, I'd say we humans surely need our rest.

    Great post and great community link-up.

    1. God was such a great example of rest! If He rested, we can rest. Thanks for stopping in!

  4. I'm working on getting that smile on. A little classical music, a little candle, a little praying and a bunch of laundry folding - I get this "Aaaahhhh" feeling like I can relax! Sweet encourgement Jenifer!


  5. A good word, Jenifer, and reminiscent of the good Brother Laurence who spent his mundane days with his hands in the soapy water of the monastery kitchen in prayer. Never a dull moment there.

  6. Great advice, Jenifer! My word for 2014 is JOY. And sometimes, especially lately, it doesn't come easy. But, your practical pointers are perfect - music, prayer, praise, sleep, smile. Yes, and it works!

    In it all, especially in our painful moments, when we have JOY we bring glory to God. And that's all I want to do!


    1. Sharon, I love your word. Our joy brings glory to God and we CAN find joy in the mundane!


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