Wednesday, November 13, 2013

Do You Just Need A Hug?

Do you ever just feel so down?  Do you desperately yearn to be a child again so you can crawl up on daddy's lap and let him hold you? You just want to be wrapped in the loving arms of someone?

You can.

Daddy God is waiting on you. He knows you are hurting. He sees your tears. He is just waiting on you to run into His arms so that He can hold you.

Whenever you are tired, lonely, sad, hurt, angry, or just need a hug, run to God. He will give you what you need. He is always there waiting with open, capable, loving arms.

It is time for our Woman to Woman Word Filled Wednesday Link Up. We desire to connect women of God with one another and encourage each other in Christ. So grab a cup of coffee, sit back and visit a few blogs. Be encouraged and share your own stories in their comments.

Use the hashtag #w2wwordfilledwednesday

Three rules to this link up: 
1. Must be a {Christian} faith post. 
2. You must link back to W2W somewhere in your post. {check out our cute button!} 
3. You must visit and comment on at least one other blog in the link up.

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  1. I saw the title of this post and almost screamed "Yes!" Just busy with retreat stuff, but that fatigue can just slip in and make me want to cry. Thanks for the virtual hug this morning.

    1. Oh friend, sending you a big ole hug!! Rest in God, He knows how you feel. Love ya!!

  2. Hi Jenifer, Thanks so much for your lovely post and the opportunity to link up.

    I am definitely in need of a hug from Daddy God. So glad we can always go to Him.

    God bless

    1. I am so glad too! Thanks for stopping by Anita. Blessings!

  3. I am so thankful for God's love. Seems I've been needing hugs a lot lately...and He is always there!

    Blessings, Joan

    1. He is always there, praise God! Thanks for stopping by Joan!

  4. Oh yes, I know what down feels like; and I know the joy of God's comfort in the midst of trials. God is so good.

    1. I think we all know that feeling at some point. Yes, God is so good! Thanks for stopping in.

  5. I didn't have a dad like that growing up - but I had a grandfather who made me feel protected and cherished - and that taught me a lot about what kind of Father God is! I have days where I wish I had a dad down here who's got my back - I can't change that - but God the Father - He's been teaching me. I look forward to the day I get a big hug from Him:)


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