Monday, October 21, 2013

The Prayer of a Husband

For the past two weeks I have battled a bad headache. I dislike taking medication but because of the intense pain I have tried several pain relievers as well as my regular allergy medication. I've used ice packs and a heating pad on my neck where the pain starts. But nothing has given me relief. Nothing. Yesterday, we came home from church and the pain was so extreme I felt as though my eyes were bulging and I just couldn't take it anymore.

I went to my husband and asked him to pray for my headache to go away. He held my neck in his hands and prayed that God would take away the pain and give me relief. Within fifteen minutes my headache and neck pain was fifty percent better. And continued to get better as the evening went on. {Thank You Father for Your touch!}

Over the past two weeks I have prayed for my headache several times. God hears my prayers. My husband's prayers are not 'better' than mine. God doesn't listen to him and ignore me. God listens to all of His children when the pray to Him.

So why did God begin to relieve my pain after my husband prayed and not after I prayed?

My first response is that everything happens in God's timing, not ours. Maybe His perfect time was right then, not before. 

But even more so, I believe that God is teaching me to ask my husband for prayer. There is something so powerful when a wife prays for her husband and vice versa. We need to ask our mate for prayer.

By asking our husband to pray for us, we are
  • showing him that we respect him as the spiritual leader in our family.
  • giving him the chance to be obedient by praying for others.
  • creating a spiritual bond with him.

Whether we are in physical pain, struggling in a relationship, struggling in our walk with God, or tired, we need to ask our husband to pray for us. No matter what we are facing, we should seek our husband's prayers.

Do you find it easy or difficult to ask your husband for prayer?

**Next week we will talk about what to do if your husband does not pray.


  1. I love this. My husband and I recently started praying together but asking how we can be praying for each other is something we have not really done. God's timing is always perfect and I believe He timed your message perfectly. My husband will be leaving soon for a deployment...we've talked about how we will read from the same book of the Bible while he is gone but committing to praying for each other during that time I'm now feeling led to do. Thank you. Many blessings.

    1. It's so wonderful that you are praying together! I LOVE the idea of reading the same place in the Bible while apart! That is an incredible idea that will continue to bond you through his deployment! And yes, I encourage you to ask him for prayer and ask him how you can pray for him. Such a blessing. Thanks for stopping by Beth!

  2. Oh....I needed to hear this...Really. I did!

    1. Heather, I am so glad it touched you! Thanks for stopping by!

  3. Love this. Sometimes asking our spouse to pray for us is least I find that it is in my life. Thank you for this reminder!

    1. It is difficult for me as well, but I am learning that it is rewarding too. :)

  4. Dear Jenifer
    I am so glad that our Pappa honored your husband's prayer and that your headache is so much better. Yes, when a husband prays for his wife it is like caring for his own body. Like Jesus and His bride for whom He died.
    Blessings XX

  5. Mia, I love how you say that, "when a husband prays for his wife it is like caring for his own body. Like Jesus and His bride for whom He died." Beautifully put. Thanks for stopping by. God bless.

  6. I have a hard time asking Anyone for prayer, even my husband. Thanks for the post! I will have to work on this! :-)

    1. I totally understand! I've been there. But as a friend explained to me, when we ask for prayer, we are giving others the chance to obey God by praying for us. It's something I am still working on too! :)

  7. Beautiful Jenifer...I have had to ask The Sweetheart for prayer many times this past year. It has helped him to step into his authority as a husband and me to submit to that authority in a humble way. It is a beautiful thing even after 34 years! I have developed complicated migraines due to degenerative SI Joint disease. It is the craziest thing but they are neurologically related.

    I used to have regular migraines but the Lord healed me of those about six years ago, praise God! Now I have these crazy complicated migraines, which I had never heard of before, and they mimic a stroke...I do not like them, lol. But I ask him to pray for me and he then sits up with me all hours of the night until I fall asleep. Sometimes the Lord touches me and they go away immediately, sometimes they do not but it has taught us soooo much. Sorry to ramble but your post was right on...and beautiful. Hope you are feeling better! ♥

    1. Nannette, it is so wonderful that you've learned to ask your husband for prayer. I completely agree that it helps our men to step into that role as spiritual leader and helps us to submit.

      I will be praying for your migraines! No fun at all! I've had Bell's Palsy twice, once seven years ago and once this past summer. Same thing, the symptoms mimic stroke, the right side of my face was paralyzed for a month or so and they always start out with bad migraines. It is awful!! I am praying for you!


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