"I love the Lord, for he heard my voice; he heard my cry for mercy. Because he turned his ear to me, I will call on him as long as I live."
~ Psalm 116:1-2
Times can be very hard in this day and age that we live in. You hear it on the news, you see it on the internet, you hear it from your friends. Many are out of work, many have lost their homes, many marriages are crumbling against what is now societal norms.
We cry with arms open wide to the Father for a change in our land and in our lives. We wait, we walk back and forth with baited breath waiting just to hear that still small voice that will carry us through. Our hearts grow weary when the silence becomes deafening to the core of our souls.
"Why God! Why aren't you fixing this? Why aren't you listening." we cry out.
Friends, I promise you beyond the shadow of a doubt He hears our cries.
"I love the Lord, for he heard my voice; he heard my cry for mercy. Because he turned his ear to me, I will call on him as long as I live." ~ Psalm 116:1-2
The Bible is God's guidebook, the ultimate authority and truth. He is there, He indeed hears us, do not stop pouring your hearts out to Him friends.
God knows. Our fears. Our Cries. Our Anguish.
In due time He will answer, in due time He will make His will clear. Wait on Him friends! Don't give up!
Keep pushing forward in the knowledge that God loves us more than we would imagine and He's working everything out for our good in His time.
Have faith, don't give up and don't every stop speaking to our Heavenly Father!
What do you do when it seems like you're not being heard? What has God taught you about the art of waiting on His timing?
The Bible is God's guidebook, the ultimate authority and truth. He is there, He indeed hears us, do not stop pouring your hearts out to Him friends.
God knows. Our fears. Our Cries. Our Anguish.
In due time He will answer, in due time He will make His will clear. Wait on Him friends! Don't give up!
Keep pushing forward in the knowledge that God loves us more than we would imagine and He's working everything out for our good in His time.
Have faith, don't give up and don't every stop speaking to our Heavenly Father!
What do you do when it seems like you're not being heard? What has God taught you about the art of waiting on His timing?
Today we are so excited to have our W2W Word Filled Wednesday Link Up. We desire to connect women of God with one another and encourage each other in Christ. So grab a cup of coffee, sit back and visit a few blogs. Be encouraged and share your own stories in their comments. Use the hashtag #w2wwordfilledwednesday!
- Must be a {Christian} faith post.
- You must link back to W2W somewhere in your post. {check out our cute button!}
- You must visit and comment on at least one other blog in the link up.

All for Him -

Beautiful words, Shari. No matter what we are facing, God hears.
ReplyDeleteHELP! I have a wordpress blog but can't figure out how to put your button on the page. Can you look at my blog (pegspeaks.com) and see how I've laid it out and let me know how to put the button on there?
ReplyDeleteTill then - your button link is at the bottom of the blog I linked to- I will correct that as soon as I hear from you.
really appreciate these words, especially with the pain of back surgery and not getting my legs back to normal functioning, I wonder so often why my God hasn't answered yet and I cry daily, but I must keep on believing in His time He will bring the healing my heart longs for :D thank you
ReplyDeleteI really appreciate these words, since having back surgery 5 months ago, and my legs are still not functioning right i get extremely discouraged as to why God hasn't answered my prayers, and I cry often as my heart breaks for what I can't do anymore, but your words were an awesome reminder that I must keep on asking seeking knocking and He will hear the cries of my heart and answer in His time. thank you