So let's look at that eight hours left. And remember that the eight hours is being generous because most kids sleep more than eight hours. Within that eight hours is homework, dinner, showers, chores, preparing for the next day of school, etc. So let's take that eight hours down to about five. Again, being generous as sometimes that homework can take a long time.
Five hours. Five hours to be with your children. That is all.
What do you do with that five hours? Is the tv on? Is everyone off in their own world of cell phones, ipads and computers? What are you doing during these short hours to connect with your child? What are you doing to invest in their life?
It can be so easy at the end of a long day to unwind in front of the tv. It can be so easy to catch up on social media and share about our day with the world around us. But what about those precious faces right there in your home?

One day we will look around and our children will be grown. The house will be silent. We will wonder where the time went. We will think back on those memories filed away. What will your memories be of? Laughing over a board game? Working a puzzle together? After dinner walks with the family? Or everyone off doing their own thing? Everyone quiet because someone had to see a tv show?
You only have a few hours a day to be a family. Don't waste it.

Love this! Its way to easy to be caught up in this fast paced world of electronics and not spend quality time as a family!