Have you ever been in a place where you feel your walk with God is deepening and becoming more passionate, yet your husband is perfectly content in his walk and doesn't seem interested in growing? Many of us have probably experienced this. It can be disheartening. We want to be on the same deep level spiritually with our mate, yet they are happy to not grow.
During these times, have you felt like you could just shake him? Like you need to tell him that he needs to get it together and get closer to God? Yes, that's what we want to do. But that leads neither of us anywhere. Instead, if we silently go to God, God will draw your husband closer to Him.
No mane can receive all God has for him if he is not living in obedience Jesus, who was never one to beat around the bush, said "If you want to enter into life, keep the commandments" {Matthew 19:17}. He knew nothing would give a man more peace and confidence than knowing he is doing what God wants him to do.
Walking in obedience is not just about keeping His commands. It is about listening to God's specific instructions. Is God telling your husband to rest and he doesn't want to? Is God telling him to stop something and he doesn't listen? Is God calling him to dig deeper into the Word but he feels content? Those are all disobedience.
Praying that your husband's eyes be opened to the truth and his heart convicted will be far more effective than you telling him what to do. You can encourage him to do what's right and pray for him to do what's right, but ultimately it's God's voice that will have the greatest impact.

Lord, You have said in Your Word that if we regard iniquity in our hearts, You will not hear {Psalm 66:18}. I want you to hear my prayers, so I ask You to reveal where there is any disobedience in my life, especially with regard to my husband. Show me if I'm selfish, unloving, critical, angry, resentful, unforgiving, or bitter toward him. Show me where I have not obeyed You or lived Your way. I confess it as sin and ask for Your forgiveness.
I pray that You would give {husband's name} a desire to live in obedience to Your laws and Your ways. Reveal and uproot anything he willingly gives place to that is not of You. Help him to bring every thought and action under Your control. Remind him to do good, speak evil of no one, and be peaceable, gentle, and humble {Titus 3:1-2}. Teach him to embrace the stretching pain of discipline and discipleship. Reward him according to his righteousness and according to the cleanness of his hands {Psalm 18:20}/ Show him Your ways, O Lord; teach him Your paths. Lead him in Your truth, for You are the God of his salvation {Psalm 25:4-5}.
Make him a praising person, for I know that when we worship You we gain clear understanding, our lives are transformed, and we receive power to live Your way. Help him to hear Your specific instructions to him and enable him to obey them. Give him a heart that longs to do Your will and may he enjoy the peace that can only come from living in total obedience to Your commands.

Wow thank you! Amazing how God brings these things when I most need them!