Each morning I wake up and spend time with my Father. I cherish that time with Him. As I pray, I ask Him to help me experience Him throughout my day. Father, help me to see you in all things. Show yourself to me in big and small ways. Help me to know it is You.
And He does.
He shows Himself to me each day. But I have to be aware of Him. I have to have my heart and eyes open, otherwise I can miss Him.
As parents, we need to teach our children how they can experience God on their own. Your child is never too young to experience God.
Jesus said, “Let the little children come to me,
and do not hinder them, for the kingdom of heaven
belongs to such as these.”
Matthew 19:14
- Teach your children how to read the Word of God. If they are too young to read it on their own, then read it to them. Another way is Bible on cd or a Bible app. My son, though he is old enough and reads the Bible on his own, he still loves to listen to my YouVersion Bible app, as it reads to him.
- Have worship music playing throughout the day. Stop and praise God often. This shows your children that they can worship Him anytime, any place.
- As you go about your day talk about God. For example, if you are outside walking, talk about how God created things.
- When you experience God, share it with your children. This will encourage them to keep their own hearts and eyes open to experience Him.
- Ask them how they have experienced God lately.

God wants a personal relationship with our children just as He wants one with us. It is our job to make sure our children understand this and see an example of this in us.
Sammy Experiences God is an incredible book about little Sammy who wants to feel God the way the people in the Bible did. After a long and disappointing journey, his grandfather shows him that God was with him the whole time. Sammy realizes he has experienced God.
To purchase Sammy Experiences God, click HERE.

There is an old saying that children learn what they live. There is no truer statement ever said. As our children watch us spending time with God...they are learning to do the same. Yes, we need to encourage them to do it on their own, but they are watching us. What kind of example are we setting?
ReplyDeletelove teaching my kids how to experience God showing little bits of him throughout our day