Debi, Wow...I can't believe another month has's nearly SPRINGTIME! Our word for 2013 is 'serve.' How have I served this past month? Well, to be honest...I failed! I am ashamed to say that, but I did...I failed. Not completely...not the whole month, but one particular day. Now, I did serve throughout the month...but there is one event that I look at and I realize that I dropped the ball. I've already asked God for His forgiveness and now I have the painful task of asking someone I hurt to forgive me. The good news is that I am certain I will be my 'Daddy' and by the person I hurt! Why am I certain...because God is merciful and just and I know He will forgive me. And I am certain that I will learn from this failure. If I fail to learn from this...then I truly have failed. month will have a better report! {*smiles*}
Mandy, I used to believe serving had to be flashy. You had to be doing something huge and amazing to serve God. I used to work full time, once I came back to God I would pray for people at work. My friend and I would have a Bible Study on lunch breaks. I would share about God with those around me. I was serving God by telling everyone I saw about Him...then He told me to quit my job. From then on I struggled...was I really able to serve God at home? Did He really care what I did at home all day? How in the world can reloading the dishwasher, doing laundry, feeding my children, showers, cleaning house possibly be serving God?! I've been at home for a couple years now and I'm slowly but surely learning that staying home is indeed still serving God. I still struggle but God is growing me and showing me more and more so this month I've focused on serving at home, serving my children in not just reading them their Bible every day but also trying to keep the house clean, trying to keep the laundry done and praying my way through it all, giving God the glory when I don't yell at my kids and showing God's love to my husband by learning to respect him as leader of our house. I feel God growing my faith and He's put me in this position to mold me more into His image and for that I am greatful. I am NOT perfect, nor an expert by any means but I see growth and I can feel passion in my heart for this service so I know God is in this with me.
Shari, This past month has definitely held it's challenges for my family. On the first Monday of the month we were told that the people who owned the house we were renting needed to sell it, and we needed to be out by the end of the month. Well, this mama who doesn't like change was pretty upset over the news. But, you know what? God took care of us completely. He provided a new home for us and the finances to make things happen.
One of the greatest things He provided for us were family and friends who served us when we were in need. From a friend who provided the treat of a gift certificate so we could eat out when we were tired from moving, to friends who helped with their encouraging words and prayer, to my brother and sister-in-law who helped us clean our new place, to family and friends who helped us on moving day. He also gave my family gentle, caring spirits when moving so we could work as a team and serve each other through the whole process. I am so thankful to see how God works in our lives and takes care of all the details!
Jenifer, As I sit down to type this, my children are watching a brand new Veggie Tales movie. This segment has a character who just said "I am on neighbor vacation. I've had enough of helping others. It is time to help myself." How often have we said or thought this ourselves? We help and help and think we just need to take a break and let everyone fend for themselves for once. But this is selfish thinking that God does not honor. We are called to help, called to serve. Called to reach out and be the hands and feet of God. A very dear friend of mine has the most beautiful servant's heart I have ever seen. If you have a need, no matter how big or small, they are there. They give of their time, talent and money and they never complain. Serving makes them happy. And the beautiful thing is, they don't care about getting recognition from serving, they just want to serve. We should never tire of helping others, this is what God has called us to do.
As I think back over the past month I can see times when I did tire of helping. I think the key is to first realize serving is what God wants, and if I want to live for Him, I must serve. Second is that I need to die to self. I need to get the focus off me and onto God. When my focus is completely on Him, serving others doesn't seem like a difficult task but rather a beautiful thing.
Did you buy a beautiful serve necklace? This metal hand stamped necklace is the perfect accessory to lay next to your heart as a constant reminder to serve God an be a servant of Him. Today is the last day that 10% of sales go to a local woman's shelter.
I love and cherish my serve necklace and yes, it graces my neck seven days a week. Order yours now and serve the woman's shelter. Click HERE to order.
Giveaway time!
Our fabulous sponsor, Show Offs Art, has a beautiful canvas that is perfect for your home! This canvas has Joshua 24:15, "As for me and my house, we will serve the Lord."
Show Offs Art canvases are made in high quality with beautiful, bright colors. One of their canvases is hanging on my kitchen wall and we love it. To enter to win this canvas just complete each task in the rafflecopter below. Winner will be contacted on Friday, March 8th.
In addition to the giveaway, the generous Show Offs Art is offering this canvas for only $19.99 {regular $34.99}!
To check out the canvas or to order, click HERE, and use the code SERVE when you check out!

Link up time! On the first Sunday of each month we will come together here at Woman to Woman and talk about our word, serve, and how we have committed to serving throughout the previous month. Our prayer is that you join with us on this journey. Throughout the month, in your own life, we encourage you to serve, then come here and tell us how you have done. We greatly encourage you to comment on the posts telling us how you are doing, your struggles, your successes, and your thoughts. If you are a blogger, we encourage you to also write a post about serving and link up with us.{The link up will only be for blog posts about serving.}

My family and I are stepping out in a big way with Safe Families! So excited about what God has in store for our family with this ministry :)
ReplyDeleteThanks for the fun giveaway!
We are working on expanding each individual's service in our church. If I won this, it would be a blessing to remind all of us whom we serve.