Today, I am thankful for God's love. I cannot believe that He thinks I am special enough to send His Son to die for. But when I look at how much I love my own flesh & blood children...I can understand an nth of the love God must have for me...His creation! If nothing else in my life ever went well, the fact that God loved me so much to send Jesus to die for me is enough!
Today, I am thankful for my husband. I cannot express how much he means to me. I love how he loves me. I love how he treats me like a queen. There is not another man in the universe that would put up with me.

"If I'd known having grandchildren was so great, I'd have done it first," were awful. I mean...who could say such a thing? Then, our first grandchild was born! We are now blessed with 8 and 1 on the way! I love having grandchildren. I am so blessed that God has given me grandchildren!
Today, I am thankful for my parents. I couldn't have better parents! I love them so much. They always have my back and they give me unconditional support. I love that they serve God and I can't imagine my life without them!
Yes, today is Thankful Thursday, and I am so very thankful and blessed! What are you thankful for today?
Happy Valentines's Day!
A beautiful list for thankful Thursday and Valentine's Day!