This Wednesday at Woman to Woman we are in the final week of our eleven week study, "The Air I Breath Worship as a Way of Life", by Louie Giglio.
Photo by Dincher
Throughout this study we've discussed many aspects of worship. We've looked at what worship is, who we should be worshiping and ways we can go about worship. In our last study of "The Air I Breath Worship as a Way of Life", we will be looking at the importance of worshiping together as the body of Christ.
I love to collect pictures of churches, especially old fashioned white country churches, with their steeples reaching towards the heavens and their bells ringing loud and clear. My Mama grew up in a church like this, during the dusty days of the depression in Kansas. She told me stories of how the men and women would each sit on separate sides of the church, put on their Sunday best and go into the humble little dwelling to worship Jesus. Stories like this paint a wonderful picture in my mind of when times where simpler and when people took their relationship with the Lord as something that was more precious than gold. Each member knew they were part of the body of Christ, with their own jobs to do, they would uplift each other as they grew in the Lord and made it through every day life. The Lord's word states that this is how the body of Christ was designed to be. {Not to the extreme of being separated in church mind you, but in the way of valuing it as a precious commodity.}
"The primary purpose of the church (the people of God) is worship. At it's core, the church exists to glorify God." ~ Louie Giglio
I feel so blessed when I am able to go into my church and worship the Lord with other believers. However, it is so important to remember that worship needs to start within our personal lives before we reach the church door on Sunday morning.
"We aren't designed to operate on a weekly worship cycle, but on a moment-by -moment connection connection that's as much a part of our lives as the air we breath. " ~Louie Giglio
Worshiping with fellow believers becomes so much more special and meaningful when we've made an intentional effort to worship our Savior throughout the week. Our relationship with God should be a celebration, one that we want to share with others when we meet together. We should be able to encourage each other as we share how God has been working in our lives.
When we go to church to worship the Lord, we need to make sure that we are focused and have proper attitudes. We are not going to church to keep up with the neighbor down the street, or keep up with the latest gossip, we are going to draw closer to the Father.
"Worship is centering our minds attention and our hearts affection on the Lord." ~Dr. Bruce Leafblad
It all comes down to having a heart that's right with God, putting our worship and adoration towards the One that matters most, and then letting this well spring of life flow forth to those around us. Imagine how different our world would be if we all practiced this.
Friends, I challenge you that look at your life, spend time in prayer with the Father and ask Him how you can grow in your area of worshiping Him. Are there things that need to be given up, so that He can have first place? Seek growth in your relationship with Him, worship Him in such a way that you can be a light and example to others as you give Him the glory for the great things He is doing.
"Oh, magnify the LORD with me, and let us exalt his name together!"
~ Psalm 34:3
When we go to church to worship the Lord, we need to make sure that we are focused and have proper attitudes. We are not going to church to keep up with the neighbor down the street, or keep up with the latest gossip, we are going to draw closer to the Father.
"Worship is centering our minds attention and our hearts affection on the Lord." ~Dr. Bruce Leafblad
It all comes down to having a heart that's right with God, putting our worship and adoration towards the One that matters most, and then letting this well spring of life flow forth to those around us. Imagine how different our world would be if we all practiced this.
Friends, I challenge you that look at your life, spend time in prayer with the Father and ask Him how you can grow in your area of worshiping Him. Are there things that need to be given up, so that He can have first place? Seek growth in your relationship with Him, worship Him in such a way that you can be a light and example to others as you give Him the glory for the great things He is doing.
"Oh, magnify the LORD with me, and let us exalt his name together!"
~ Psalm 34:3
Many Blessings~

It is funny you mentioned pictures of church. I too love churches like this one and when I clicked on this page my first thought was what a beautiful church! :)
ReplyDelete"It all comes down to having a heart that's right with God, putting our worship and adoration towards the One that matters most, and then letting this well spring of life flow forth to those around us. Imagine how different our world would be if we all practiced this." I love that!
I have enjoyed this study!! Thank you!!