This Wednesday at Woman to Woman we are in week nine of our eleven week study, "The Air I Breath Worship as a Way of Life", by Louie Giglio.
"Through Jesus, therefore, let us continually offer to God a sacrifice of praise—the fruit of lips that openly profess his name. And do not forget to do good and to share with others, for with such sacrifices God is pleased." ~Hebrews 13:15-16
In the verses above we can see that God desires two types of worship from us, He wants our worship to be with our lips and with our lives. He wants us to sing His praises, offer up our prayers and magnify His name. He also wants us to live our worship out loud. He wants everything we do to be an offering of worship to Him.
"God is looking for people who are always soaking in His Word, sinking roots of His character into their minds and hearts. As a result, true expressions to an about Him are constantly coming out of their mouths." ~Louie Giglio
When our hearts and minds are right with God, when we are worshiping Him with our lips, out of that should come the natural flow of worshiping Him with our lives. Whether we are working as a mom, a secretary, or ministering to the poor, our lives need to be a filled with purpose, working at them with all or might to glorify His name. We need to go about our jobs differently, we need to keep in mind that whatever we do, we are doing for the King of Kings.
"Whatever you do, work at it with all your heart, as working for the Lord, not for human masters." ~Colossians 3:23
Whatever we do we need to do it well and reflect Jesus to those around us. No matter how mundane the task may be, it can be used to worship the Father.
Do you worship the Father in word and deed? How could you turn your life into a life of worship? Is God calling you to sacrifice anything so that you can glorify His name with your life?

Love the verse in Colossians! This is great encouragement, thank you!