My Bible tells me I'm noticed so why do I need facebook to prove it?
My foundation is cracking.
We're still doing the Resolution for Women Bible Study in this little bit of cyber space and for the past few weeks we've been talking about being a blessing to others. Listening instead of talking, doing instead of just sitting around...but none of that is possible without a sure solid foundation founded on Christ Himself.
"For out of the abundance of the heart, his mouth speaks." Luke 6:45
I'm very angry latley. Feeling lost, alone. Wondering day and night if anyone sees me. I clean for a living. Scrubbing toilets, wiping windows every day I ask myself would they even notice if I never showed up again to scrub these toilets. My foundation is slipping.
I've allowed the world to step in and on my heart. I've alowed the voice of the World to shut out the voice of God. I don't work for the world. I don't work for recognition. I work, I scrub toilets, wipe windows, wipe runny noses and put dinner on the table because God tells me to. God sees me. He notices me, so why do I feel the sudden need to be noticed by the world around me? Why now do I feel like I'm standing in a crowded room screaming at the top of my lungs and no one hears me?
Do you feel like this sometimes?
God sees you, you know? He does, I can prove it. He saw Hagar when she ran from Sarah out in the desert, He persued her, followed her into the desert to let her know that she's not alone. (Gen 16)
If you feel like this, your foundation might be cracked. The voice of Truth has been pushed aside and there's a greater problem than just feeling lonley. Do you say hurtful mean things to people you love and care about because you think they are going to hurt you first, so you have to get a jump start?
Your heart is deceitful, it can lie to you at a moment's notice. Our tounge has a life of it's own, things can shoot out of your mouth that can never be taken back...if your tounge is running away from you there's a deeper problem here..."you're low in the faith and belief department, not operating from a deep trust in God's ability and His wise handling of the details and timing of your life."
"The words of our lips are like cracks in the wall, revealing what's going on at the foundation. For truly, out of the abundance of the heart our mouths speak."
"A woman whose heart is full of gratitude and humility, who is certain of God's love for her, and who genuinely prizes the worth of those around her will release a steady stream of graciousness that will refresh others through her conversation..." I so want this to be me.
So dear ladies, above all else, guard your heart, do not allow it to become hardened. Seek to have a heart that is always sensitive to the prodding of God's Spirit. Don't let your foundation, the Solid Rock your feet stand on, become cracked.
Hold on to Jesus with all your might. Turn the Worship music a little louder, open your Bible a little more. You are noticed, you are seen. Those little ones you take care of every day, they will one day come to know Jesus because of your foundation that you've given to them. That job you go to every day...God has placed you there, keep going. He sees you. If you don't do anything but have a secret pain hidden in your heart...He. Sees. You.

**Excerpts taken from The Resolution for Women by Priscilla Shirer
ReplyDeleteYour post spoke to my innards. I was feeling something similar just days ago, and how awesome is He to remind us that He sees us. Our buckets will fill up with the dirty, mirky sludge the world has to over instead of the living waters, and our fruits show signs of sickness instead of life. I'm praying for you.
<3, Kendra
Mandy, beautiful post. You know that I love you girl and I am truly always here for you. I was reminded as I read of the verse in Colossians 3 that says, "Whatever you do, work at it with all your heart, as working for the Lord, not for human masters." While it feels good to have recognition, we should work for God. That includes cleaning. As long as you are doing your best and doing it for God that is all that matters. I pray that as you take time away you are able to focus on Jesus and repair your foundation in Him. Love you!
ReplyDeleteBeautiful post, Mandy! I so have been where you are. I can only say that we must continue to seek GOD over any thing man offers us.
ReplyDeleteI have been there many times, and I understand where you're coming from. I'm so glad that I've gotten to know you this past year, and I'm proud to call you my friend! You are loved!!