Tuesday, December 4, 2012

Cottage Cheese...Salad?

Good morning! Today I thought I'd share with you my husband's most favorite recipe...

Every Christmas, Easter, Thanksgiving or Tuesday (smiles) that we visit my in-laws they will make this. My husband eats it by the bucket full. I personally have no idea why, I don't care much for cottage cheese to be honest but I figured if you like cottage cheese you might like this too!

You will need:

1 container of cottage cheese
1 container of whipped cream
1 packet of jello flavoring of your choice (my husband uses strawberry or cherry)
1 Can of fruit of your choice (my husband uses pineapple)

To Make:

Mix everything together and refrigerate till you're ready to serve.

This is a really easy recipe, if you end up trying and liking it and want to make it for a large family function you just do equal parts of each ingredient. Enjoy!

1 comment:

  1. My aunt makes this, or something similar to this every year at Christmas as well. :)


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